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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by cess!, Feb 12, 2006.

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  1. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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  2. ras

    ras Banned

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    so u say im obsessed with Gesus.. <_< ... but how the fuck am i obsessed with Gesus...when on this thread have i ever said anything about Gesus...oh wow...i said something to Big Baby Gesus.. OH SHIT...I SPELT IT WITH A G NOOOO NOOOO NOOOO NOOOO OR FUCK ... so if i spell something means im obsessed with them....oops...i spelt Kat with a K... <_<
    ... that means im obsessed with Cats...

    so if you want to CARRY on this STUPID CHILDISH SHIT....then make sure your right...oh...and make SENSE.. <_< :lol: :)
  3. Linkzone1

    Linkzone1 Senior Member

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    ....what are you talking about.

    Just 2 days ago you said my peice was a bite off Gesus and it had nothing to do with his. I'm pretty sure you brought this on yourself man.
  4. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    reali to b honest i think no one gives 2 fucks about it yeh. just what eva happen happened, and let that b the end!....
  5. BohemianBastard

    BohemianBastard Senior Member

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    Yo calm the fuck down
    your all acting like prepubescant retards
    ...acting eh
  6. Linkzone1

    Linkzone1 Senior Member

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    Good thinkin Shamee1991
  7. ras

    ras Banned

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    Okay Okay...ENDED...BUT...i did say when I THOUGHT you bit Gesus " No beef or shit like that " ...

    Beef...Ended.. ;)

    Bohemian...what are prepubescant's :blink:
  8. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    kool it all gd. 'we dont want no beef in dis graffin comunity' haahaaa...
  9. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    speak for urself,but they should battle to resolve there differences
  10. ras

    ras Banned

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    Skecth...the beef is there isnt any need for YOU to carry it on by sayin " they should battle to resolve their differences " ... we HAVE resolved our differences....we PM'ed each other to sort it out...and wasnt like a huge beef in the first place...we agreed to stop it and that's that !...damn...all this over something i critted wich said " No Beef " anyway... ! ..


    ;) were the flicks at .. ! :)
  11. BohemianBastard

    BohemianBastard Senior Member

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  12. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    i know the beef is over,i was talking bout all beef in the graff comunity.saying if u have beef u shud battle to settele it.wasnt talking bout u
  13. ras

    ras Banned

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    Okay Sketch...

    and Bo...i seriuslu never knew what that wuz called...haaahhaaa :lol:
  14. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    lol...always trust the wikipedia
  15. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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  16. Soze One.

    Soze One. Banned

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  17. AT AT

    AT AT Senior Member

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    i like it . it would make a good poster campaign
  18. bouncingsoul

    bouncingsoul Elite Member

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  19. AT AT

    AT AT Senior Member

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  20. Deso7

    Deso7 Senior Member

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    i kinda like it