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Tot Characters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by cess!, Feb 12, 2006.

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  1. Bill Cheese of Wheeze

    Bill Cheese of Wheeze Senior Member

    • Messages: 425
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    so anyway, this thread is kinda making me want to punch babies. i realize nearly all the advice given/taken is from a bunch of fucking white 12 year olds who dont know shit about art.

    Like. for instance. its easier to come up with dark morbid shit than happy shit? what. the fuck. are you talking about. im basically sure i just lost all respect for you. so unless youre kidding, you can go suck a big happy cock.

    bore, yea i think you did post the dolphin, cause i remember liking the texture of the picture. figure out what i mean.

    Bouncing soul. reminds me of homestarrunner lol. [Broken External Image]:
    i like the overlappingness. not a bad one. youre progressing.
  2. ras

    ras Banned

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    Soze...likin the teeth lol...or are they grillz..

    View attachment 241861


    Crits please..thanks ??> .. ;)
  3. krucial

    krucial New Member

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  4. krucial

    krucial New Member

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    word i like it the teeth are huge haha
  5. Deso7

    Deso7 Senior Member

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    the i pod just the middle button is huge make it smaller do a better job on the 3d and shading other than that nice work.
    but why and i pod?
  6. BohemianBastard

    BohemianBastard Senior Member

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    what? im a toy because i thnk that the morbid shit's played out?
    the morbid steez is so boring its amazing, maybe its just because in my country every single fucking idiot who wants to be an "artist" but has no talent/patience decides to take the easy way out and draw crappy morbid bullshit (im not saying bore has no talent, bore is dope at least his characters are, your letters still suck homie). So unless you're aware that art is more then tentacles, retarded faces and heads, you can go suck a morbid dark cock.

    its not even that which made me respond to that comment, i got annoyed because you said you lost all the respect you had for me. if all the respect in the world is based on similar opinions, we truly do live in a fucked up world. think about it boy

    oh and if you think i dont know what im talking about, i do. i used to be just like you, i have to quote asen here
    if there was anything that was unclear, hit the old pm-aroo
    enough chit chat in this topic

  7. Deso7

    Deso7 Senior Member

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    it says ipod in top right
  8. Soze One.

    Soze One. Banned

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    in no way do iwant my shit to be morbid mine is people i see, and i feel like i bring out the best in them.
  9. AT AT

    AT AT Senior Member

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    yeah i make mine to joke with people and make there day better . not be em0
  10. krucial

    krucial New Member

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    i was just boared
  11. Deso7

    Deso7 Senior Member

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    oh ok i get like that too.
    k ill have a pic or two up in a few days.
    just so you guys no im no robot...
  12. Nosypainter

    Nosypainter Elite Member

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    what happened to the top o.0...
  13. Bill Cheese of Wheeze

    Bill Cheese of Wheeze Senior Member

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    lol they were hightops, and he decided he wanted he customized them. yeah. lol.
  14. ras

    ras Banned

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    This thread has been dead..

    Heres sumthing i just drew... i aint drawn a karak for a while ..

    View attachment 242107

    Crits and Comments on this one then please.. !

    Thanks.. ;)
  15. bouncingsoul

    bouncingsoul Elite Member

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  16. Deso7

    Deso7 Senior Member

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    thats dope bouncing its just really awesome
  17. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    i've seen better outta you bounce...still dope but work on it and give it more detail.
  18. BohemianBastard

    BohemianBastard Senior Member

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    looks like a condom with tentacles and eyes
  19. Cham

    Cham Elite Member

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  20. ras

    ras Banned

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