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Tot Characters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by cess!, Feb 12, 2006.

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  1. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    yh the zoot needs to be in the mouth cuz u put the mouth closed.
  2. nase7

    nase7 Senior Member

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    yh the zoot was a late extra :lol:.
  3. Stinky

    Stinky Senior Member

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    Not tryin to start beef but come on don't add a joint to make it look like it's cool or whatever. The porportions are anatomically incorrect also. I'm taking the whole "insomnia" into consideration but please, please, not every sketch of a black dude needs to have a blunt or joint or anything of that nature. Black people do not have to have a correlation with drugs. I guess what I'm most frustrated about is that you prolly have the potential to create something far more original and interesting to look at. Now, please don't get mad at me and start cussing because I will not carry this any longer, I'm just tryin to help out. Golly I wonder how many people will tell me..."You tellin him to fix thanngs, why dont you put up some flicks."/rant/over.

    Sorry to anyone who actually read the entire thing.
  4. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    yeah line-ups are the way to go son!!! lol.
    anyway i'm really feeling that sketch. looks really clean and dope. post up more once it's finished. sorry no flicks today...bad day drawing in school. my add kicks in on firdays lol. i got all night so i'll try starting something new or mayb finishing something old. peace until then.
  5. Feliks

    Feliks Elite Member

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  6. nase7

    nase7 Senior Member

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    yh i think your right shouldnt of added it just tryin 2 make it less boring seeing as i was bored n yh the proportions are off. And its ok expressing your views isnt beef.
  7. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    bumpity bump bump

    dope shit your work. i needa start working on female bodies a little more.
  8. Blix

    Blix Senior Member

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    the body is good but hate the face in fact i hate the faces on all ur characs
  9. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    care to explain why exactly?
  10. Rogue

    Rogue Guest

    why? his shit fucking rocks
  11. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    haha thanks rogue...blix has been hating on me for a while. lol its cool though i dont got a problem with you disliking my work. i just would like to know what exactly you dont like about the way i construct my faces so i can know what to work on.
  12. Feliks

    Feliks Elite Member

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    Haha I thought Blix was talking about my character's face, I was like,
    "He's on crack. It's gotta be crack. I bet it is"
    Anyway, I agree that your body does look good. The face and neck are off though. WHY?
    Well Atesk, my explanation is simple:
    While you did your shading well on the clothing to make it more life-like, you left the face completely 3D free. Why? Here's a tip, use a pencil and make a tiny dot somewhere on the page. Imagine that's your light source, go from there. That way the face doesn't look so.....flat. And try to make your body proportionate first. Because the neck and the space between it and the collar make it look as if your chest is concave, but then you look at the shading on your shirt and it doesn't back up the first thought. My two cents.
    PS: thanks for the compliments, any crits though? ANythign I can add? change? Anyone?
  13. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    thanks for the advice...i dont really get what your saying about the concaved chest (except maybe on the self portait one but i already fixed that earlier today...i also noticed it looked weird) but i purposely disproportion almost all my heads. ya i fucked up on the shading around the mouth (just to lazy to ever get around to fixing it) but the rest of the head i felt that the shading matches the clothing. my light source is from the upper left region...i assume that you have been refering to my "coffee and nicotine" character considering the other one doesnt have any shading on it. as to your charac...i really dont see anything to crit you on. the only thing i can think of is that the hand looks a little messed up. it's a little to chuby around the base and that seems to throw the fingers off...or maybe its the pinky that's throwing it off. i dont know but the pinky looks akward next to the other fingers. the proportions are just a smigen off it looks. hands are definitely a bitch though. the way i try to proportion hands is that the fingers should be the same length as the distance between the knuckles and the wrist. lol i'm only picking it apart so much cause you asked for crits...its really not off by much at all. hope this helps and i'm not just telling you things you already know.
  14. Feliks

    Feliks Elite Member

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    I was talking about your latest character.
  15. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    i havent done any shading to that yet tho? i drew folds in the clothes that were eventually going to get shaded...but i hadnt gotten around to it yet.
  16. HeiSk

    HeiSk Banned

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  17. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    hahaa. like him alot.
  18. Stinky

    Stinky Senior Member

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    Hey Nase after readin that I felt like a jerk. I guess I was in a grumpy mood. Anyways thank you for not being a loose cannon about my comment. I know most people are wondering why I havent posted anything, I guess I'm just waiting till I feel good about my creations before I post anything. Anyways Nase keep goin at it, I love your tag I've seen you make. Hopefully I'll post somethin soon, I still need to post up somethin for AIR cause I asked him to give crit...I'ts comin most definatley. A wise man once told me,..."Quality over quantity."
  19. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    that's very big of you stinky...glad to see someone not being a dick about everything lol. ya i've had a lack of creativity today and yesterday and wasnt able to put anything out that i liked. i'll probably try again later. peace until then.
  20. ras

    ras Banned

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    - STINKY -

    :p :p :lol: