ugh..your a wanker ^ they look like two metal poles.. immature twat <_< n Atesk...i said to myself ages ago..that when i get better...ill start taking more time in peices
Aimo...Aimt?...i have a manytimes a month do you change your name? <_< ...i havent been on here in a couple weeks n u have a diffrent name...again...i donno, personaly i think u should stay with one name n stick with it...but thats just me
since this is the character thread then i guess characters? haha and just because the head i huge doesnt mean its not proportional it is just on a smaller body which was on purpose haha go back to you text books on "anatomy" and sketch a nude or something
you're just making an idiot out of yourself cause you obviously dont know shit about proportions or characters in general.... what the fuck else kinda battle were you thinking? pick a fucking topic.
oooo lemme pick the topic...please.... the topic is SUMOE wrestlers minus the E...haha don't listen to me, I'm just bored...and doing some homework.
you're just to much of an idiot to think of anything creative...dont try and sugar coat it. man up to your disabilities...fine the topic will be 'geasers' in old people.