motha fuckin yea!!! this is my favorite pic ever ever. hahaha you just made my life. [Bigel has been added to the coolest people on the interwebs list]
can anyone get in on this battle cause if so i'm down. [/b][/quote] fo sho. no deadline yet tho... any ideas on a concrete deadline? i can do mine today if i wanted to but i want everyone involved to have a fighting chance so mabye a week from today? lets figure this out.
fur surrre braaa. come with some hang loose aloha shit tho. just bring it with whatcha got. the more cats involved the better. MUST stick to the theme tho. if you dont understand what COSPLAY" is.... google it and youll figure out the definition. then after you understand the concept you have free reign as long as its one character dressed up as another. ie: bigel's donkey/ mastershake character. (which is genius).
wait do they have to be dressed like anime guys or can we do them dressed like theyre from like a disney movie or normal TV show?
any popular toon character dressed up as any other popular toon character. its about a billion options. put your thinking cap on buddy boy. im gonna bring heat believe that.
fo sho. no deadline yet tho... any ideas on a concrete deadline? i can do mine today if i wanted to but i want everyone involved to have a fighting chance so mabye a week from today? lets figure this out. [/b][/quote] i aint gunna be able to get online until monday cause i'm leaving for florida. so anytime next week is good for me really.
niccsac- really like that charac, add some color. [Broken External Image]: what does everyone think about jeffrey?
Im sorry, but like sketch said its not exactly original. I must've seen that same karak 100 times, each with one tiny difference. Making letters out of karaks (which im presuming your trying to do) isn't easy but just try to be original. peace
[Broken External Image]: doodle from math class. not finished have to clean up the lines and add the kid in.