yes bets you are! ok. get to it, shits fixed. make sure you keep this bracket link in mind. it will always be in this thread but its the only way you will know how to send your entries. for example the first group will need to send there entries to me stating you name first then the guy your battling. for instance, if i was curstoner, i would send it like this. "TFRRB- Crustoner vs. Bets369r" got it? this is going to be a monthly thing brotha. that is if i dont get to many dropouts. but i dont want to keep replacing people its not fair to the ones that got in on this on time and did there shit. they just get a win. but if voting last a week this thing will be over a month, so i will post this sat, you have that day sat and sun to vote.
does anyone actually read my post at all? yes, you pm me your sketch TFRRB-Bilnket vs. Alts13 (this is your subject line) url of your sketch goes here.
CrustOner Bets369r Ages24 WGONE NycSno STFUPPERCUT Sizzuurp seywhat sofatoner mawks alts13 Bilnek - sketch in sosViruz Weakfingers Zookyook Empty Can have bilnek's sketch. if i get a pair's sketch in, ill post it. no need to wait till the weekend.
I should hopefully have mine in tonight, got the outline all done just need to colour it, but I'm off to work now.
this is gonna be the next round also a sketch one or we will do hanstyles or sumtin diffrent?
i got work full time , school part time on tues. and wed. , got my pencil drawing done just gotta outline and color hopefully have it in thursday , fridayish
got my Astro in, think Bilnek has as well, looking forward to seeing what he did and what I'm up against