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Toy Sketch Battle-Black

Discussion in 'Old battles' started by Proper, Jun 26, 2008.

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  1. Vero

  2. (SOS) Flu

  3. Panthos

  4. Jak24

  5. Matik

  6. Volume_One

  7. ECB

  8. Tera

  9. Make A Name

  10. Jerm_Haf

  1. Phantazm

    Phantazm Senior Member

    • Messages: 83
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    HAHAHAHAHAHA, while I may not be the best writer on this forum and I sure as hell don't have any rep even though I joined in '05 I can tell you buddy that your style is lacking fool! For one your outline...where is it? all i see is this lettering design thats all blotched with hasty coloring and interior design...widen the letters a bit, choose a better color...grey is a tough color to use in graf cause it tends to take the back seat in terms of standing out and graffiti is all about turning your head for about 20 seconds to see a piece of wonderful art before you , but your piece uses a dark green for the 3-D which again doesn't stand out at all and is more of an eyesore. Your arrow is a bit crooked mate, but I'm liking the connections and your K is totally crushed man.

    (SOS) Flu GMV...loving the characters and looks clean
  2. matik

    matik Member

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    yeh your right man!! i picked horrible colors and and pretty least you told me whats wrong with it...
  3. Phantazm

    Phantazm Senior Member

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    Yeah sometimes help on these forums is few and far between unless if you're well known but hit the toy blackbook and pieces section there are dedicated writers there who will help you out ;)
  4. mekosbc

    mekosbc Senior Member

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    how is ecb consider toy sketch? he rocked it, and sobe rocked the other blak battle
  5. Reason To-Shine

    Reason To-Shine Senior Member

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  6. (SoS) Flu

    (SoS) Flu Senior Member

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    well hes different now it was a process.
    hes more of a jester now
  7. fonone

    fonone Senior Member

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    lols first aphers letters now fezats character.... good one.

    and dont say it was dedicated to him because thats a stupid way of justifying a bite.
  8. klic

    klic Elite Member

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    not sure how im the only vote for make a name...
  9. (SoS) Flu

    (SoS) Flu Senior Member

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    ummm ok i was developing a new character from another persons character ok thats a bite but hes different now. but i didnt bite aphers style i asked him if i can do a piece with his style.
  10. (SoS)Viruz

    (SoS)Viruz Elite Member

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    Flu don't worry about it Bro, It's light weight considered bittin' because you got it from someone else but you told him befor time so you have to see it both ways. I dont know about the Fizat thing tho. But dont even Worry about it bro.
  11. Reason To-Shine

    Reason To-Shine Senior Member

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    because your the only one who figured out how any of those... things... could be concidered letters
  12. wider

    wider Senior Member

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    I don't like ECB's letter structure, i think he tried too complicated for what he could do but still it has some potential. And i'm not sayin i am a Masta lol, just my opinion
  13. ecb

    ecb New Member

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    so i think its about time i post something. to me it doesn't seem complicated but i suppose to the writer himself, it never seems too complicated. i've been doing graffiti since 2003. 'started off with block and calligraphic style and moved into 3D and radical abstract graffiti forms to a point of abstract expressionism. i only started to try wildstyle about a year and a half ago, but thanks for the criticism. it is well needed.
  14. pathos

    pathos Member

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    damn, well i still dig flu's execution, and i guess if you're gonna bite you should do like flu and do the thing justice. i don't know who's tellin the truth on here. i just know what i see.
  15. ecb

    ecb New Member

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    yeah well, thats understandable