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Toy Stencils, Stickers, Posters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by S2!, Feb 17, 2006.

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  1. a!Ds

    a!Ds Senior Member

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    kase thats fucken sweet, and whose quote is that, its great. that pic would make great fucken slaps, everyone just tags in the blank space and slaps everywhere. sweet shit.
  2. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    Shit man, no one commented on my stencils, but thats the way it goes I suppose.

    Anyways, kase, that can looks FUCKED, especially since everything has a white background except for that part, not to mention it doesnt even look like a can. You can make the black background work if you make it look like he's spraying a stencil, and the black part could be some overspray around the edges.

    Oh, and the shoe on the right needs more detail.
  3. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    splif came up with the quote. we were trying to get a stencil people would use all over so it would last longer. the can is not going to look like that when i cut the stencil out. i jut wanted to see if people had sugggestions before cutting it. the shoe on the right definatly needs more detail, thanks
  4. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    kase thats some hot shit, fix the angle on the can and all is well...
    id suggest writing the qoute with a marker though, most words come out looking sort of mechanical once thiers some bridges in them, and you want it to look sorta skribbly, also than if you do find someone in another country to do it they can write it in there langauge

    just suggestions....
    ill have a new one up right away :ph34r:
  5. splif2

    splif2 Member

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    :ph34r: :ph34r: yo kase, like the others said just titlt the can. also if we put the quote in the stencil put it next to the guy, so it looks a bit more square, also, one of my best friends lives in australia, he also lived in england and germany, which is also were i lived(germany that is) so we got connections there, plus like i said, if some one did th real world house which is pretty close to me, the stencil could make news, plus i travel alot so i could get it out ther, :ph34r:
  6. Krole

    Krole Member

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  7. conart

    conart Senior Member

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    i used photoshop
  8. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    Just started using photoshop or did you just take a pic with shitty resolution?
  9. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Self portrait he i pic of him im guessing

    im working out a stencil of a special friend of mine =] but im not to happy the way its comming out =/
  10. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    <_< I knew that, what I was getting at was the fact that the print he made in photoshop wasn't all that hot. Kinda basic. Not tryin' to diss the man or anything, if you have a pic with shitty resolution, you can't do much with it. And if you just starting using Photoshop, you're not really gonna know how to make a detailed stencil.

    Just wonderin' which one of the two, if not both, applied in this situation.
  11. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    always best to know how to use a pencil and paper :rolleyes:
    you can copy anything, create anything, and have it as detialed or basic as you want...
  12. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    splif where are you from
  13. splif2

    splif2 Member

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    tha 313, not reele, just outside detroit, southfield, which is like the third most ghetto place in mi
  14. Nosypainter

    Nosypainter Elite Member

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    nice your stencil rocks it says alot even if words arent there nice dude
  15. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    i fuckin HATE richard simmons, burn that stencil
  16. ECGA

    ECGA Senior Member

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    hahaha hes such a fag...thats why i made it
  17. splif2

    splif2 Member

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    richard simmons is my hero, he heped get me inspired to loose 110 pounds, jk, not reele, richard simmons is a fag, haha thats why i love him so much, jk, not reele
  18. splif2

    splif2 Member

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    richard simmons is my hero, he heped get me inspired to loose 110 pounds, jk, not reele, richard simmons is a fag, haha thats why i love him so much, jk, not reele
  19. conart

    conart Senior Member

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    <_< I knew that, what I was getting at was the fact that the print he made in photoshop wasn't all that hot. Kinda basic. Not tryin' to diss the man or anything, if you have a pic with shitty resolution, you can't do much with it. And if you just starting using Photoshop, you're not really gonna know how to make a detailed stencil.

    Just wonderin' which one of the two, if not both, applied in this situation. [/b][/quote]
    i just started using photoshop it wasent the pic its only my 3rd stencil though n i didnt spend much time on photoshop like ive done before all i did there was turn it black n white then stamp but theyll get better hopefully.
  20. conart

    conart Senior Member

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    any suggestions on how to work with pics to make them detailed stencils on photoshop elements 3.0?