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Toy Stencils, Stickers, Posters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by S2!, Feb 17, 2006.

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  1. pace1

    pace1 Senior Member

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    this kid i run with has some insane stencils ill post some pics hes fucking ill
  2. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    On carrying stencils, there are hundreds of methods.

    That's easy to find/establish your own.

    However, I don't suggest using the pizza box idea unless you're doing a highly-travelled (and most likely high risk) piece. It's usually pretty conspicuous and draws more attention to yourself then you'd like...which is not useful if you're doing some routine bombing. If you do it, live it up, most pizza guys don't run around in black bombing science hoodies.

    My advice, don't take too many out with you. Even better, try to do some solid planning ahead.

    Although I've done some great stuff off of impulse, had opportunity fall into my lap, or how much I love to see a ha-ha-esque saturation bombing...I find it's best to take out at most a couple stencils with one or a few places to bomb. I'll go out with a nice multi-layer lifesize and plant it at a quality spot and get my ass home. Believe me, I've had nights of taking my bulging oversized art folder out, stuffed with stencils seperated by wax paper or was messy, stressful, and an all around pain in the ass. Consider it.

    Also, get a friend with a car. That makes it ridiculous easy sometimes. (keep cameras in mind.) Also...try to find someone who doesn't have expensive leather upholstery, I learned the hard way. The trunk is useful for big stuff.
  3. Kept1

    Kept1 Senior Member

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    Stencils dont seem like graffiti to me. They just seem like a political campain or commercial advertising. There is dope ass stencils, but you gotta be really good to make em work. I used stencils for a bit, but it just didnt seem like a challange. I went back to regular graff...
  4. Nyc Sno

    Nyc Sno Elite Member

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    yo u roll with sfc stll free crew u trane and marc ecko?
  5. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    Bump that Normel

    hahahahahahaha :lol:

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  6. Nyc Sno

    Nyc Sno Elite Member

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    nice stencils bro
  7. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    wow that 5 layer is gorgeous tylerD......
    think its five, white, light b.,dark b,really darkblue, and black/?????
    either way its really goood

    kept1 : graffiti is expression through art, illigal art but art non-the-less
    a stencils is still art, its painstakingly drawn and cut befor being painted for all to see, and its illigal, so isnt that exactly fitting to that?

    though sometimes it feels like cheating.....

    but i usually only use a stencil in one or two spots befor i stop using it, so its not at all like propaganda lol
  8. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    Thanks, it's actually six layers. Black, White, a really dark blue, normal blue, light Blue, and an almost white blue. It's actually acrylic paint, mixed it myself, using the only 3 colors I had.
  9. Kept1

    Kept1 Senior Member

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    But even still, I think that its not really self ecpression. I mean it is, but like look at the pics above ^. Its just random, its not even saying anything. Id rather it be propaganda, like Bansky. At least youre proving a point. Even Bansky, to me, isnt like real back to basics, where this shit all came from, graff. Its not your piece that you sat down and designed and then put up on a wall, its a picture that you cut out and sprayed. Im not doubting that people design their own shit, or that it takes madd skillz.. but its not the same. To me at least.
  10. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    My stencils are a form self expression. They represent my deepest desires to relive my worry-free childhood. The picture of the chick is a reminder of what was in the past, it's an unfinished piece, and the colors create a sense of coldness, I need to add more to the background. I'm saying something, but I'm not using words.

    I do the peices myself, for myself, but I don't mind sharing with others.
  11. Nasty_One

    Nasty_One Senior Member

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    the soup nazi one is dope. could be a bit cleaner.. but it's an awesome concept.
  12. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    Yeah, that was done before I knew what spray adhesive was. I was using maskin' tape to hold down the stencil.
  13. Nasty_One

    Nasty_One Senior Member

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  14. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Heres some old shit I did from about 2 years ago.




    Mary eating Jesus
  15. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    Yeah, that was done before I knew what spray adhesive was. I was using maskin' tape to hold down the stencil. [/b][/quote]
    what do you use the spray adhesive for? holding it on the wall?
  16. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Yes so you dont get underspray from a bridge flaping up
  17. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    what do you use the spray adhesive for? holding it on the wall? [/b][/quote]
    Yeah, holds everything tight against the wall so the lines come up nice and clean. No underspray. Took me a couple messy stencils to figure it out, but now that I did, everything comes out sharp.
  18. Nasty_One

    Nasty_One Senior Member

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    Yeah, holds everything tight against the wall so the lines come up nice and clean. No underspray. Took me a couple messy stencils to figure it out, but now that I did, everything comes out sharp. [/b][/quote]
    ...i've never done that.. i usually just hold it up to the wall and spray lightly... can control works best for me. plus dont your stencils get all sticky and shit?
  19. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    it doesnt end up glueing the stencil to the wall?
  20. SKriBL*666

    SKriBL*666 Elite Member

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    Can someone let me know a site, i know it was posted in a thread a little bit ago. It gave exact directions on making a stencil.

    Unless someone else can give me some good ass directions, that would be kool.