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Toy Stencils, Stickers, Posters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by S2!, Feb 17, 2006.

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  1. SKriBL*666

    SKriBL*666 Elite Member

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  2. 204k|an

    204k|an Member

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    Stencil revolution actually has some very good tutorials when you read them correctly.
  3. Nosypainter

    Nosypainter Elite Member

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    i just made a turn table one ill post it as soon as i take a p icture
  4. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    Yeah, the stencil gets sticky, and it does get stuck to the wall, but that's what it's supposed to do. It's not a permanent glue, but if you work fast enough, it shouldn't be that hard to take off. But some of the bridges are fragile, that's why you gotta be careful when taking it off, nice n' easy. But if you know how to carry/take care of it, it should be fine for at least 4-5 more sprays before it gets fucked up. I'm talking about big stencils though, with lots of small, intricate cuts and bridges.

    You'll still get some underspray by holding it down with your hand, besides, it takes longer to spray, and time is of the essence if you're on the street, not to mention it's hard to hold it still in one place, wouldn't want it to move and come out crooked.

    @Jun 29 2006, 10:40 PM
    but can some one give me like a place that has pre-image thingies.[/quote]
    what? :huh:
  5. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    ^^ thanks, i sprayed acouple and had so much under spray so hopefully this helps.
  6. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    No problem man, I had that same problem. You can see what happens when you use tape, just look at the Soup Nazi stencils. Go to any hardware store, they'll have spray adhesive, just stay away from the 3m.
  7. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    im trying to do a stencil with like 3 layers and im confusing the hell out of myself. does anyone have any suggestions on how to get started with it?
  8. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    Talk to me when you get to 6 layers, I'll see what I can do for ya :lol:
  9. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    here is a stencil i just did...critics please


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  10. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    Well, overall it's a good stencil. At a quick glance, it looks straight.

    BUT if you really take a look at it, and you wanna be critical AKA get better:

    1. It needs more detail on the hand that's not holding the can, you can't make out what the hell it is.

    2. What's the deal with the cutoff in his shirt? I mean, if you're gonna have the arm come that low, you should have the shirt/rest of the body visible too. If not, at least like draw the edge of a table or something.

    3. Even though it's not too bad, less underspray, the sharper/cleaner, the better.

    4. Shout out to Leah.

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  11. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    yea i had all the same thoughts. i was going to put a line across it kinda like the baby was trying to sneak it or something. the hand was fucking with me and there is to much black in it and how the hell did you know the babys name
  12. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    I'm that fucking good, man. B)
  13. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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    hahaha no seriously how did you know
  14. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    Seriously, I scare myself sometimes.

    You should be able to figure it out though. C'mon now.

    Shout out to Logan Hicks the motherfucking Workhorse.
  15. Nosypainter

    Nosypainter Elite Member

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    you practice like a mo fo
  16. Nasty_One

    Nasty_One Senior Member

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    i bombed the shit out of this bridge friday night, used a squid on all the pillars and did two big pieces on the sides... went to take some photos of it today.. it was all painted over by the town. i was pissed. that shit was only up for 3 days.
  17. -=ZANE=-

    -=ZANE=- Senior Member

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    first this will only help you if you draw your own,
    like me thats why i can help lol,
    anyways take your drawing and look at it, take all the darkest shading and picture it as pure black(maybe even colour it), than take the next lightest that didnt fit into the black and make that gray, solid and dark grey, take the rest, anything that wouldnt fit as black or grey, and make it white....

    now photo copy or hand trace three copies

    and cut out one colour (or shade i guess) on each

    now replace black, grey, and white with the colours you want to come out in the painted peice

    try to paint dark to light if you have good paint, if its really shitty and doesnt cover nice, buy new paint......... or paint light to dark your choice lol

    another option is to make a fourth stencil and put primer down in the shape of the finished piece first

    and bang brilliant colours..... if you got the time and are damn smooth B)
  18. kase121

    kase121 Senior Member

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  19. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    Well, overall it's a good stencil. At a quick glance, it looks straight.

    BUT if you really take a look at it, and you wanna be critical AKA get better:

    1. It needs more detail on the hand that's not holding the can, you can't make out what the hell it is.

    2. What's the deal with the cutoff in his shirt? I mean, if you're gonna have the arm come that low, you should have the shirt/rest of the body visible too. If not, at least like draw the edge of a table or something.

    3. Even though it's not too bad, less underspray, the sharper/cleaner, the better.

    4. Shout out to Leah. [/b][/quote]
    u got potential, lotsa potential, he knows what hes doing....
  20. rats

    rats Senior Member

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    Overall, it's pretty good.

    My suggestions:

    +Fix the left arm/Give it a left arm/What the fuck is coming off of it's shoulder?
    +Adjust the fingers on the can
    +Give it some simple color Not shades or anything, just spray it and cut out some base colour layers.
    +Finish the me, the longer you put it off the less of a chance you'll do anything. I still have a kid's floating torso flying a b-52 like a kite that is in desperate need of legs.
    +Watch yr overspray.

    ++Big ups on the bandana.