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Toy Stencils, Stickers, Posters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by S2!, Feb 17, 2006.

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  1. -sense-

    -sense- Senior Member

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  2. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    yolk, those kinda suck. you should refine those before you trade.
  3. -Dank-DK-

    -Dank-DK- Elite Member

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    im sorry but u have no right to say that
    cause i like his more then i liked yours
  4. tbonebailey2711

    tbonebailey2711 Senior Member

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    Ok I usually dont bitch or gripe about much on these threads i just post my shit look at others shit and some time give crits. But I think you guys need to slow your roll on the bitching people will quit coming in here if thats all that they see and for the past few pages thats about all there is. I dont always agree with zenne but he does have a point sometimes. Everybody will do there own thing no matter what anyone says and hes giving you his opinion like it or not. You are not going to cry and lose sleep over it anyway. Fukin let it go. if you dont want to hear it the best thing to do is quit responding to it. You provoke it and are asking for it. I have no beef with anyone. If you want to put stickers on a canvas, sheet, cardboard, car, wall, floor, tits, book, whatever you want. most people want there art to be seen up just keep that in mind. If you want to keep some to enjoy I dont have a problem with that and most people wouldnt as long as you get some up. I usually hook my packs up pretty fat (as most people on here know) so you can spread them around. You guys post some flics of some shit and shut up. Sorry for such a long rant it just makes me tired sometimes reading all this shit.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  5. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    and tboner, your pack is going out tomorrow :]

    when did you say you sent mine again?
  6. tbonebailey2711

    tbonebailey2711 Senior Member

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    zenne - your pack went out on friday. You should be getting it soon everybody has been telling me that they got theirs. I think everyone takes your opinion the wrong way I have been on here long enough to know your personality. you dont beat around the bush your straight forward and to the point. It might come off rude as hell but I have friends that is just like that. And if people would say what they think and let it go it wouldnt fill up the thread its not always personal. Damn I dont let people get to me like that.

    here is a flic sorry for the chit chat

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  7. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    your right, i dont bullshit, i get right to the point. if your going to cry every time somebody sais something bad about your work, just fuck off and grow up. i dont just say "it sucks, quit graff", etc. i suggest ways to improve. i dont give a fuck if im rude, this is the internet, who am i trying to impress?

    dank, quit being a whiny little bitch and post flicks.
  8. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    your right, i dont bullshit, i get right to the point. if your going to cry every time somebody sais something bad about your work, just fuck off and grow up. i dont just say "it sucks, quit graff", etc. i suggest ways to improve. i dont give a fuck if im rude, this is the internet, who am i trying to impress?

    dank, quit being a whiny little bitch and post flicks.
  9. YOLK01

    YOLK01 Senior Member

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    Zenne your need to just shut your mouth.(or quit typing in this case.) When you have a half decent thowie or sticker. You have no room to talk about my stuff since yours is damn near pure SHIT. Your telling Dank to shut upand post pics why dont you do the same? And while your off sucking on your moms balls work on your shit.
  10. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    dont be mad cause i told you your throw sucks. at least i dont bite, like you. and i DO have room to talk, because i know what looks good and what doesnt. your the one with no room to talk.
  11. F$$$22

    F$$$22 Senior Member

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  12. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    i just got art's pack out of the mail.

    HOLY FUCK. i feel like such a douche bag.
    i put in like half of what art did in my pack. but i already stamped it :[

    art, lets get a collab together?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  13. -Dank-DK-

    -Dank-DK- Elite Member

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    im 5 remember
  14. Zarb

    Zarb Senior Member

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    Dank shut the fuck up already its over, keep it to PMs
  15. tbonebailey2711

    tbonebailey2711 Senior Member

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    ZENNE - so you like my pack huh. we can do a collab do you want to start it and send or you want me to start it? Do you have something in mind? Pm me with any ideas. Dont worry about how many you sent you can make it up to me next time when we do the collab.

    dank - see thats what i am talkin about. be the bigger man and leave it alone you dont always have to get the last word dude.
  16. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    dude, just leave him alone. going through puberty must be hard for him.
  17. Alts13

    Alts13 Senior Member

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  18. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    why not just paint the box?
  19. Alts13

    Alts13 Senior Member

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    cos i was bored one night and just did it spur of the moment like most things i do lol
  20. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    it would look a lot better if it was actually painted.