CHeeto buffs your graffiti...He thinks there is nothing wrong with this, because someone else would be doing it anyways....If you still like him thats your thing. But I aiint got no love for double agent crooked cops....
its because kids who have no respect on the streets want to look tough on the internet!!! someone post more cheeto
who givs a flying fuck! shits gona get buffd 1 way or another! a writer may aswell b doin it n getn a laugh outa it 2! on with the pics! [Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:
yeah pretty much bareth. id post a SUEME INR flick for kicks, its the sueme in Australia but my connection sucks right now. i thought sueme was orginal enough to not be anywhere else