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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by CashFlowJoe, Dec 13, 2004.

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  1. nook the crook

    nook the crook Member

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    there has to be some reason for doing this, what is it, what are you trying to accomplish, just curious
  2. soath

    soath Elite Member

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    on your website you speak out against bullying, I just don't understand. It seems hypocritical to act one way when I see you on the streets and then like this online. i used to look up to you man. :( (even tho u r shorter than me, you know what i mean tho)
  3. SpandyAndy

    SpandyAndy Senior Member

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    You are graffiti kids who damage other peoples property.. Noone cares about yourself esteme.. You attack and bully people by vandalizing their property..

    We are going to fight back.
  4. bcbuds

    bcbuds Member

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    im startin to feel ur steeeze a little more then i thought big boy stay sexi andy and dawzy
  5. Gyse

    Gyse Senior Member

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    Fight back by posting gay cops on a forum? That'll show em.

    I don't think this is the real Spandy guy, just an imposter trying to create drama and get attention. He seems like the average internet loser who tries to annoy people; an IP ban should keep him away because he's too lazy/incompetent/ignorant to change his IP or use a proxy. Or the mods can keep ignoring it, and if everyone else does, he'll just fuck off.
  6. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    or when u say shit like that it will make him bounce harder at you kids.. spandy andy grow up u retard.
  7. soath

    soath Elite Member

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    a lot of people would probably see you imitating them on the street as bullying as well, you have probably never thought of that. and ur dancing is all about self expression, i mean taxes pay for the roads ur dancing in the same as 70% of the walls/things we're painting... i paid my taxes I want it purple, bingo. that is how I see it, i honestly thought you'd be more open minded Andy. :D
  8. SpandyAndy

    SpandyAndy Senior Member

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    I thought people wouldnt be so STUPID.
  9. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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  10. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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  11. keepsicks

    keepsicks Elite Member

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    WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!! Dont go ruining this thread with flicks ....cmon now
  12. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    haha that was obviously a joke eh keeper ;)

    btw why does spandy act like a immature lil fag?
  13. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    only reason i can think of is cause he has nothing better to do then dance around the streets like that lil fairy he is. and talk about graffiti writers and how they are vandals.. yes we vandal shit and im sure most of us are proud to be a vandal.. u spandy just annoy lil children and molest them daily u fool...
    read that on his website last night lmao
  14. SpandyAndy

    SpandyAndy Senior Member

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    i molest children on the daily...
  15. soath

    soath Elite Member

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    Spandy, you don't molest children, I talked to you yesterday and I know you don't, that's bullshit. don't front, there are REAL 'LESTERs out there and your giving them and urself a bad name.

    Unlike these guys I totally respect you for clowning the streets with ur dancing and shennanigans... it take balls to perform in the streets especially the wackest shit, man I LOL when I saw you doing ur thang. but this whole attitude about molesting kids and hating on graffers just doesn't make sense. I think you need to talk to some trusted friends about seeing a psychologist or something, you may be schizo (no offense) but this is getting crazy. btw I was stoked on that B-Battle you did at the park by the shore. And I know you have friends that are graffers... like I KNOW them and met you before so this is why I am concerned for your health.
  16. nook the crook

    nook the crook Member

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  17. dirtylurker

    dirtylurker Senior Member

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  18. soath

    soath Elite Member

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    LOL sorry. ;(
  19. R.I.P.kost

    R.I.P.kost Senior Member

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    hahaa he said ''lesters'' like as if its ok to be one, or as if they get a slang name for what they do? in the real way of the world they are to be referred to as pooches, hounds, skinners. its shit like that that that puts the ''u'' in gouf!!!
  20. soath

    soath Elite Member

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    'Lesters is street in my hood for that sorta thang. And I'm speaking alil tongue in cheek here to let Spandy know he's really hurting his reputation as a street performer.