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Vegetarians And Vegans

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dajam410, Nov 17, 2006.

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  1. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    to alive: i agree and disagree
    just because there is name for it doesnt mean its vegetarian

    though its more like saying i dont eat read meat and chicken
  2. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    who the fuck are you calling an asshole. i just don't think vegetarian should be at the end of that little lable.

    i know what the pesco means you fuckin turd.
  3. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    msfyt, what do you think your appendix is for?

    while it has lost its ability to function through evolution, back in the day it helped in the digestion of raw meat.

    and i have eaten raw meat before, plenty of times with nothing bad heppening

    unless its poultry(which is crawling with bacteria because of the manner in which it is packaged and shipped) or ground meat(which comes in contact with SO many different things it is not safe to eat raw because of possible bacteria) raw meat is fine to eat. what do you think sushi is?
  4. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    i know many definitions of sushi
  5. ?!?

    ?!? Senior Member

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    alive i see what you mean! eat what you can kill...I think I'm gonna be Vegetarian, or eat whatever I can kill, probably just fish...
  6. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    raw fish meat rolled up with rice in a seaweed wrapper

    im not a fan of sushi, cause im not a big seafood fan

    but vegeterian sushi is the shit. especially the avocado rolls and the sweet potato rolls
  7. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    but havik i think you missed my point
    the point is we dont give the attention dead animals deserves thus we must cook it to be able to eat it

    if you knew what effort and care went into (most) sushi youd know that they care deeply about the fish they are preparing raw
    do you know that women cant be sushi chefs because their hands are to warm? for example
    or did you happen to notice how much protein is in sushi compared to red meat?

    and the fact that we cant eat raw meat is also my point
    why cant we kill our own food, because of convience
    i doubt many of use could slaughter our own food
    and if you did you sure in the hell should be able to eat it raw, imagine that fresh kill isnt safe enough to eat
    what are we doing to our animals if we cant even eat them raw?
  8. dajam410

    dajam410 Senior Member

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    WOW man I'm so glad the first thread i've made is going so strong.

    Mysft: I knew someone would mention General TSO's tofu, how is it? I imagine it being amazing just because of the sauce that it's drenched in.
  9. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    i tried going vege about 2 years ago but i got sick probably from the lack of iron and protein, so basically now im just killing myself slowly from all that damn cholesterol
  10. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    wuchu talkin bout willis?

    you most certianly can eat raw meat, which is what i said

    just not poultry you buy from a store because they pack it in wax boxes in ice, and most meat departments dont keep said chicken in a freezer, only in a cooler. ice melts, chicken sits in chicken juice in plastic bags for god knows how long. certian little critters take to the chicken water which make it not safe to eat.

    im sure if you raised and killed a chicken you could eat if raw if you handled it right.

    like i said, ive eaten plenty of completely raw red meat and nothing ever happened to me
  11. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    youre still not getting the point
    its not handled right, to overcome convience!!
    convience that meat eaters depend on so dably so they dont have to slaughter their own food

    and i dare you to eat raw fish from a supermarket?
    or raw porkchops?
  12. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    it was approved
    a. because im a vegetarian
    b. im more lentient about new threads than other mods

    most likely had any other mod see it, i doubt it would be alive

    and general tao sauce is easy to make:
    hoisin sauce
    plum sauce
    rice wine vinegar
    orange peel
    chillie peppers
  13. dajam410

    dajam410 Senior Member

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    it was approved
    a. because im a vegetarian
    b. im more lentient about new threads than other mods

    most likely had any other mod see it, i doubt it would be alive

    and general tao sauce is easy to make:
    hoisin sauce
    plum sauce
    rice wine vinegar
    orange peel
    chillie peppers [/b][/quote]
    Thanks! :D
  14. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    porks alot cleaner than you'd think

    and i dont dig on fish, cooked or raw

    shit is gross

    if im ever in MTL or wherever youre from ill eat raw meat just for you
    ;) ;)

  15. Socrates

    Socrates Senior Member

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    and this whole argument is stupid, i dont see why you think its wrong to eat meat. Human beings have always eaten meat, before they learned how to plant shit, they hunted and foraged. HUNTED!!!!!
    Oh and of course people want convience, they work from 9 to 5, and when they come home the're gonna kill a chicken then pluck off all the feathers etc etc? dont be foolish
  16. Fosale!

    Fosale! Elite Member

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    im a vegetarian.
    but as Eterror does i hate those pushy vegans.
  17. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    not true.... they foraged and moved before they started hunting..... go take some anthropology classes..

    i love you too.
  18. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    i said about new threads, many things im more strict on

    and why is convience worng?
    it is what makes us depend perservatives and synthetic addins and have no empathy for what these animals go through
  19. Socrates

    Socrates Senior Member

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    yes but before man started using tools to hunt, he wasnt really a man now was he?
    monkey =/= man
    monkey = gay
    man = me
    fag = fault :)

    and just so you people know, i really dont care about this subject im just bored as hell
    and vegetables > meat
    this is just a stupid debate that havik sucked me in to
  20. whoarethereal evil

    whoarethereal evil Elite Member

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    so msfyt

    du u not rely on convenience foods at all?

    and im not vegetarian i have no desire to be

    i love meat too much

    and i genuinely cannot c a persons motivation behind it i get how people think its cruel etc

    but y not dedicate some time 2 some orpahaned kids or terminally ill cancer sufferers

    and eat a nice bacon sarnie with them