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Vegetarians And Vegans

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dajam410, Nov 17, 2006.

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  1. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,962
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    again you're wrong..... no not a monkey.
  2. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    i dont ever see vegetarian as a debate
    its either for you or not
    simple as that

    but i think that there are many stereotypes that should be overcome with knowledge, like eating meat means more protien etc
  3. Socrates

    Socrates Senior Member

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    you agree with me that the creature known as homo sapiens wasnt the same as todays humans?
    your just being gay, i know what im talking about im just too tired to be all precise and type like i know what im talking about.
    Down with fault0 UP WITH TOMATOES!

    though its irrelavent, i might not know but i dont care. dont respond to this mr fault0 or ill tell everyone about our dirty little secret
  4. vegimite on wholemeal

    vegimite on wholemeal Senior Member

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    im an oxytarian

    eating plants AND meat is wrong, plants have feelings too!

    i only eat oxygen, sometimes dust
  5. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    are we talking about today's humans? no we're not. and yes technically we are homo sapiens.

    we were bipedal before we started eating meat...... therefore we were already far removed from apes and the rest of the hominids. we were already living as societies, with the main food sources being what we could find, before hunting had began. tools were already being used, just not for hunting.

    jeez. mse, your pink bum keeps getting browner.
  6. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    im a vagitartian
    get it?!?!? :p
  7. vegimite on wholemeal

    vegimite on wholemeal Senior Member

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    you guys are worse than religious fucks,
    have a joke

    im staring sternly at you faulto

    hey wait, this is a serious question,
    do you vegans drink beer?
  8. conart

    conart Senior Member

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    k i got a question
    if some vegetarians think eathing meat is bad and cruelty to animals n all that y do they eat meat substatutes like tofu.thats like saying im not a cannable but i do enjoy eating fake humans.
  9. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    that treuly is the stupidest question of the night
  10. bosny

    bosny Senior Member

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    the iq in this thread just dropped by half.
    i love my meat but have respect for vegetarians.
    i think mak is vegan. might be wrong.
  11. Slushi

    Slushi Banned

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    For every post in this thread after mine, I'm killing a baby pigglet.
  12. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    i was a vegi for a lil bit cus this girl i liked was so we kinda bonded.

    oh then i started killing baby pigglets haha.

  13. AT AT

    AT AT Senior Member

    • Messages: 184
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    i eat meat every day . and milk has protein in it . i like them . i have vegi friends . were still like cool and shit . i also dont get why you vegi kids (some of em ) get all pissy about . its my fucking buisness what i eat . i dont eat fast food . but another thing . should animals be vegi too . i mean shit . you guys think all animals are our friends when they kill shit and eat their guts out . but i mean whatev floats your boat i guess
  14. cast LI

    cast LI Elite Member

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    some bitch is putting PETA stickers over my handstyles. so now im battling all the PETA people near me.

    i eat meat. i got veguitarian friends. vegan is unhealthy, its been proven. you cant live on wheatgrass shakes.

    and kill two baby piglets for this one. suck it PETA girl
  15. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    homo sapien sapiens

    oh, and msfyt, if you think convenience is soo wrong, get your ass off the computer, get the fuck outta your house, take your clothes off and go live in the woods.

    not talking shit, im just saying, dont be hypocritical

    thats like saying "steam is awful, but water and ice are okay"
  16. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    sorry i respect life
    i guess that makes me a hypocrtic

    and what the fuck does steam and water or ice have to do with any thing
    is it pumped full of drugs so it milks more or makes bigger eggs, is it electrocuted up the ass so you can drink

    havik you just like to argue
    conveince makes us weak people
  17. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    steam, water, and ice are all the same thing

    get it?

    youre talking all kinds of shit about conveince when you live in a home, youre wearing clothes, youre using electricity, blah blah blah blah blah

    all of those things are conveiniences
  18. vegimite on wholemeal

    vegimite on wholemeal Senior Member

    • Messages: 54
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    the conveinience argument is a stupid one

    meat is wrapped up and in shops for the same reason apples are

    i thought vegetarians were agaisnt the KILLING of the animal
  19. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    thats a stupid streotype

    thats like saying all real writers are against blackbooks
  20. vegimite on wholemeal

    vegimite on wholemeal Senior Member

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    then what are the resons for being vegetarian