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Vegetarians And Vegans

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dajam410, Nov 17, 2006.

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  1. cnue

    cnue Senior Member

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    no way dude. we're just big pussies who want to save a few animals or something. haha

    RISK0NEFA Member

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    can somebody please explain to me what a vegan is
  3. cnue

    cnue Senior Member

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    vegeterian-doesn't eat animals (meat, fish, poultry, although some eat fish)

    vegan- no animal products. no dairy, nothing made with glutten or any sort ofanimal product. it gets technical.
  4. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    i know tofu dont grow in feilds even im not that dumb i ment soy feilds used to make tofu.i figured all the vegens would know what i ment,obviously not.i am quite educated just a lazy not an eco freak either,its just that people who say they dont want to harm animals are destroyeing rare ones natural even gunna admit i dont know tht much about this subgect,just something i saw on discovery or natural geographic.i could be wrong but i think its true.geesh and im not a defender of meat either, i really dont care how smelly people like there farts.i just saw an interesting tv show and thought id share it.

    also i used to go to extra science at my school and we had to learn about enzimes,wich is keay in makeing quorn and soy sauce and other man made proteines soo i know tofu aint a plant,get over yourselfs

    also myfst y do find it odd that people who beleve the sames things as u r smater than those who opose ur belifes?surely ur gunna think ur right or u wudnt b thinking that

    RISK0NEFA Member

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    vegeterian-doesn't eat animals (meat, fish, poultry, although some eat fish)

    vegan- no animal products. no dairy, nothing made with glutten or any sort ofanimal product. it gets technical. [/b][/quote]
  6. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    vegeterian-doesn't eat animals (meat, fish, poultry, although some eat fish)

    vegan- no animal products. no dairy, nothing made with glutten or any sort ofanimal product. it gets technical. [/b][/quote]
    Gluten? I don't know of any vegan that avoids gluten because they're vegan, gluten is a protein usually found in wheat, rye and stuff.

    Vegans don't use any animal products at all. Meat, milk, eggs, honey, leather, fur etc etc.

    I have leather boots but I bought them before I went veg(atarian)an, and if I bought boots now to replace them that were made of fake leather I would be paying tax on them and the government subsidises animal testing. I bought a leather biker jacket when I was vege, but it was second hand, again same reason as above, only cost me like 25USD.

    A real vegetarian avoids all slaughterhouse products, ie, Meat, fish, poultry, some cheese as it contains renet (made from cow stomach, although a vegetarian alternative is sometimes used), a lot of sweets as the contain gelatin (the stuff that makes them 'jelly' and 'chewy', the make it from boiling hooves, arseholes, heads and all the parts of animals they cant sell).
  7. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    you callin me racist?

    thas was a joke, just in case it went over your leafy green heads
  8. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    i'm calling you a biggot.

  9. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    im calling you vegan types idiots for giving up tasty tasty buttered popcorn, like the kind im eating right now

    mmmmmmm, rendered animal fat
  10. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    I have this vegatable oil that tastes exactly like butter, butter eaters even think the shits butter, it goes real nice on popcorn :p
  11. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    theres so much beef in this dum cha
  12. Lester Berns

    Lester Berns Senior Member

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    Ive been vegetarian for 13 years, but I gotta tell you, most of the time I never tell anyone
    because I dont want to be asociated with scenester big-mouth phonies who go out of their
    way to make sue EVERYONE in the fucking room knows they cant eat meat. a positive idea
    comes off as some self-righteous bullshit that non-vegetarians refuse to entertain as a result... and you cant blame them. Do what youre going to do, live how you are going to live... share your views
    when the opportunity arises, but damn it, its annoying when people have to let you know that their captain vegetarian every fucking chance they get... once again, this is coming from a vegetarian of
    13 years... you should always eat with your mouth closed...
  13. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    damn you and your crafty vegan ways!

    [Broken External Image]:
  14. def.

    def. Senior Member

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    it just gets on my nerves when friends are going out to eat and they make it a point to ask, "can you eat anything here?" i don't know it just kind of gets annoying.
  15. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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  16. NiL

    NiL Elite Member

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    hippies, you need meat, milk and what not geez.
  17. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    i like my cows and chickens too much to give up.

    i do like salad though.... with chicken as a topping
  18. dajam410

    dajam410 Senior Member

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    Wow you are so fuckin' stupid. You'd be surprised if you found out what those "things that you need" are doing to your body, do the research and THEN I'd love to prove you wrong.

    vegans/vegetarians=hippies? Hahaha
  19. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    yeah even though im not vegan or vege i have a lot of vegan/vege friends so i know all about this shit...

    cholesterol which is only found in animal meat/products is very bad for you and increases your risk of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and many other problems. sure it has protein and shit but you can get protein from other things like nuts, seeds, and cereals.

  20. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    yea but they dont have that certen flavor,mabye its the blood or a little bit of soul left inside the flesh ummm,

    vegens r allright so r quiet veges but the 1s who preach about crulety then eat chivken and fish piss me off,factory bred chickens have the worst lives on our planet,also fish are traeed apallingly,how wud u like to b stabed in the face slowly drowned then have ur head beaten in,my vegen uncl is comeing round,he calls eggs hens periods so i call him a dam useless hippie