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Vegetarians And Vegans

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dajam410, Nov 17, 2006.

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  1. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    other than having problmes with your hereditarily determined body chemistry pertaining to the absorbtion and processing of cholesterol, cholesterol is only really dangerous if youre a lazy fuck and do nothing but eat all the time. fat, inactive people die from heart attacks(if diabetes dosent kill them first) because they dont do shit to balance out their cholesterol intake. fuck, even if you do happen to be hereditarily predisposed to cholesterol problems all you have to do is watch your intake and lead a healthy and active life to be completely fine.

    i guess one way to do this is to give up meat all together, but fuck, dont be a cop out like that
  2. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    says the king of sit his ass infront of the computer all day
    preaching to...wait gets even better, more sitting on their asses web whores
  3. kicklip9634

    kicklip9634 Senior Member

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    yeah im a vegitarian but i eat fish.
  4. Malicious artist

    Malicious artist Senior Member

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    yah id probably die without meat.. But the thing is. I hate when vegatarian people say eating meat is a crime sorta thing. that wack. meat and those animal serve a good purpose toward the food chain. And eating meat it natural.
  5. dajam410

    dajam410 Senior Member

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    You're probably referring to those insane PETA activists. I'm a vegetarian, but I can't fucking stand PETA and all their bullshit. I'd never push my beliefs on anyone. I started this thread so us fellow vegetarians and vegans can discuss topics of the subject, but as a lot of people have been saying it's nothing but beef in this thread. How ironic...Haha.
  6. wallowinginignorance

    wallowinginignorance New Member

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    I agree with those guys who were talking about the difference between killing it yourself and buying it in a supermarket. Killing something and eating it is a natural part of life, and you're earning your protein and whatnot by putting forth the effort/risk of killing that animal. Nothing bothers me more than when some douchebag tells me I'm a squeemish pussy for not eating meat.

    The "men are hunters, women are gatherers" arguement is absurd coming from someone who sits in an office or works on cars all day and then pays SOMEONE ELSE to kill and prepare an animal for them.

    I recently went out for dinner, and got into a discussion about factory farming, and my friend's mom told me that she doesn't feel bad because "animals were put here for people, not the other way around". I was so frustrated with her because the ignorance in that statement is so strong I shouldn't even have to point it out...

    I agree with animal rights activists in certain departments. Buying and selling live animals as property is absurd to me. Filling them with unnatural chemicals to make them grow faster disgusts me as well.

    Boycott the meat INDUSTRY.
  7. vegimite on white

    vegimite on white Senior Member

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    can you cunts post some fuckin recipes and stop whining
  8. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    vegi all my posts in the cook book thread are vege

    but ill type some up for you tomorrow
    give me some what veges do you like more eggplant, potatos, carrots....or do you like lentils and coucous, or what type of food japanese, chinese, mexician, etc?
  9. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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  10. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    says the king of sit his ass infront of the computer all day
    preaching to...wait gets even better, more sitting on their asses web whores [/b][/quote]
    yeah, you're totally right

    try rowing 4 miles every day of the week for 3 months straight, with races in between.

    you row 2 miles in 7:35 and we'll talk

    crew season is over, hence me being inside a good ammount
  11. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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  12. dajam410

    dajam410 Senior Member

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    No turkey for me today, Happy Thanksgiving to you Americans.
  13. wallowinginignorance

    wallowinginignorance New Member

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    Dig This: Cook some rice, stirfry some veg/tofu or whatever, then make this sauce:

    Coconut Milk
    Peanut Butter/Roasted Peanuts (use a lot)
    Soy Sauce
    Sesame oil
    Sriracha Sauce (or something spicy)

    Don't know what to call it, really... probably has a name in Thailand...

    Anyone else have Thai recipes?
  14. RFI. SPit

    RFI. SPit Moderator

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    I was a vegitarian for 6 years. I dont remember what happened.
  15. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    lol u probily got a craveing for humen flesh and went on a meat binge,only to wake up three months later naked in a dried out creek. or u relised veges farts r much worse
  16. RFI. SPit

    RFI. SPit Moderator

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  17. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    i thought about that earlier today. cause someone said something about not being able to kill an animal with your bare hands.

    what about cannibalism?

    its easy(and it happens often) to kill someone with your bare hands, and peoples is meat. alot of ancient cultures ate people
  18. RFI. SPit

    RFI. SPit Moderator

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    I think I could eat a person if it came down to it.
  19. -eror-

    -eror- Senior Member

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    I haven't made pad thai in a while. I make a bomb ass pad thai sauce. that, and frying the tofu with garlic salt = so good. I'll post up a recipe soon, or something.
  20. Mute1

    Mute1 Elite Member

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    1.) Nature wouldn't want you to cannibalise anyways because its detrimental to the survival of the race.

    2.) Just because humans don't have the ability in our natural body to be predators, doesn't mean we aren't meant to eat meat. A lion uses its teeth and claws to kill, humans use their brains. That's the way we evolved.

    Same with the arguement about how we have to cook meat (not 100% true)...Some animals like vultures develop immunities to al those bacteria and diseases in raw meat, but we didn't go that route because our inteligence lets us figure out that we can just cook the meat and kill all the harmless bacteria.

    It's fine to be vegy but you can't suggest that humans are not made to eat meat..if that were true we never have had any desire to start eating it in the first place. We are omnivores.