if this pisses people off.....sorry, but we have toy blackbooks, but no toy bombs or throwups....so i guess ill start one b/c i dont want to pollute the other post with crap so....i'll begin and go ahead and comment, and hopefully postive critisizm lol........right.... [Broken External Image]:http://img154.echo.cx/img154/223/imag00342gn.th.jpg
i think uit looks good in comparison to some other stuff on here. i d say work on your shading. it has letter "structure" just kinda weak. work on the vowels. and then uhhh try again...
post your toy bombs here people! Edit:Kay I didn't like how you made me sound so enthusiastic about this....
kay, i didnt know you were a mod... i dont think you should close this, it is were it is supposed to be
yo sorce oner? whered u get that flick man thats freakin dope!!!! haha i wish i had that much belton!
no dont listen to oblong if u really love doin graff dont quit ere one sucked when they first started!
you know, i wish i could add some of my shit, but i don't have a scanner or digital camera or anything. i guess i'm out of luck then, yeah? anyother way to get my stuff on here?
toy bombs make me throwup!!!!! j/k not really but yea keep on keeping on more peopel need to post in here picture wise
man im actually liking this forum.....no more stupid ass shit...oh fuk u toy...fukin stop painting fuck off...im glad you guys have come to ure sences...graffiti wrighters should be united not divided