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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. xEpiCx

    xEpiCx Senior Member

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  2. freshsesh

    freshsesh Member

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    workin on it, been sticking to pen and paper lately tho.
  3. cerex89

    cerex89 Senior Member

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    good way to get caught
  4. freshsesh

    freshsesh Member

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    livin in a small beachtown , cops dont really do anything , any they have no proof , anyways , that truck is always changing i got pulled over once , i i told the cop i parked in a bad neighborhood
  5. cerex89

    cerex89 Senior Member

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    i suggest just stick to chill spots and paper
  6. freshsesh

    freshsesh Member

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    yeh , thats what i planned to do but im gettin rid of this car in a demo derby er some shitor for scrap metal soon , so i thought ide have some fun with it
  7. NEZ89

    NEZ89 Senior Member

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    HAIRCUT Banned

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  9. Juicy JSC

    Juicy JSC Member

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    aiight cats whats crackin with you cats? meh chillin.
    ne ways, that prone is alright, its in a good spot and its pretty basic but i would deffinitaly work on that wack shadow, other than that its ok, where is that though? on your base?
    And also whats up with that sesh stuff, i mean it looks bellow average but i guess it is a toy forum, all i have to say is work on your letters more and also sketch shit out before you put ups on your ride. Blech.
    Nez 89, that is pretty alright, i like everything except the arrow on the top of the second e, other than that to me it looks funk.
    p.s. this Juicy Cat Seems to be reppin JUNK now so we'll have to wait it out before this new word gets up, i got some pretty prime sketches and im putting ups at legacy soon so i just got to get a damn camera,
    peace to MS, FTP, SBK,
    btw JSC is making a comeback so watch out.

    Jamaican Shower CREW
    Just Stay CRUNK
    Jammin Smokin CRONIC
  10. nastonE

    nastonE Member

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    lmfao juice is either a cop, or some 9 year old kid trying to act cool
  11. mattxgrace

    mattxgrace Member

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    haha juice... "i got some pretty prime sketches and im putting ups at legacy soon"

    can you even spell graffiti?
  12. Baron

    Baron Moderator

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    So you bombed your own car with your own wack toy throwy? Well, at least you are the only one that has to live with that abortion you can only call your own. Stick to pen and paper. And until further notice, you now belong to my hate list
  13. Hookr

    Hookr Senior Member

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  14. ColdBlooded

    ColdBlooded Senior Member

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    Flyt try to drop the last letters, it goes alot smaller after F....
    Make the curved bar that makes the Y go down more.
    make the bars the same width all the way through,
    the bottom of the L is to fat, and the top of the F is to small...
    Then drop some bigger 3d and it will look better
  15. stretched

    stretched Member

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    needs alot of touch ups
    help on my letter structure?
  16. Fube

    Fube Elite Member

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    to the dude that paints his car, are u rich man? u even painted over your window homie thats fuckin crazy. and not in a good way. to each his own but dude, thats one of the most retarded things ive ever seen on this site. good luck trying to sell that shit when u need a new ride. if u want graffiti on your car i know plenty of heads that would be more then willing to paint that shit all up with good letters on it. put the word out.
  17. Hookr

    Hookr Senior Member

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  18. SOAR into outer SPACE

    SOAR into outer SPACE Member

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    FLYT-I think it looks pretty clean, the only thing is the shadow on the bottom of the L isnt there.
    just like me kase you are going to have to work on keeping the bars the same width.
    and my throwup says drone, not prone...i made the bar on the D too long.
  19. stretched

    stretched Member

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    yeah, i know
    and i got shitty can control, but thats easy enough to work on
  20. Baron

    Baron Moderator

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    Bars, consistency, 3D, letter structure, spacing, flow.