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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. Each

    Each Senior Member

    • Messages: 222
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    zoner- hella tight

    peos-nice bomb. on the piece i'd move the top of the o and s over though

    monster- you filled in the whole thing? nice goin :p but nice lines on the second one. very clean
  2. TRY'N

    TRY'N Senior Member

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    unsuccsesful-- so sick. you don't need crits just keep doing that.
    monster, you too. that second one looks so clean it's ridiculous.
  3. nine one

    nine one Senior Member

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    librelikespie: Really dope, keep it up im liking your style, especially the second one
    And yes, 2009
    thanks for the crits, some more bombs :

    ^^^^ Sorry for shit quality


    Last edited: Jan 3, 2009
  4. nine one

    nine one Senior Member

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    Some more bombs


    ^^^^ Bad quality, had to kinda rush the pic cause i had to dip
  5. ThatguywhodrinksTea

    ThatguywhodrinksTea Senior Member

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    liking them =D, maybe just ur e in the last one looks like it has a fetus at the bottom
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2009
  6. nine one

    nine one Senior Member

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    Sorry for the double posts :S


    Random Peice i did, didnt take my time on this one


  7. bak

    bak Senior Member

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  8. ThatguywhodrinksTea

    ThatguywhodrinksTea Senior Member

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  9. nine one

    nine one Senior Member

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    and sorry for the ginormous pics forgot to resize
  10. bak

    bak Senior Member

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    im pretty sure its u nine

    btw good shit i write something similar to urs and o's aren't to easy to trick out and u have a funky style stay up but try some fill ins? peices? burners? lol stay up
  11. ThatguywhodrinksTea

    ThatguywhodrinksTea Senior Member

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    you nine... only one with pics on the page lol =D
  12. nine one

    nine one Senior Member

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    pfff i knew that *looks around*

    but thanks guys, yeah i do some other shit but i dont flick most of it, the hollows where just bombs in allies and on street sides and shit but yeah, i have a pic of one of my 'burners' if you go to the previous page at the bottom, i think youll see it
  13. bak

    bak Senior Member

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    oh i see..nice colors looks sick
  14. B.S. POLICE

    B.S. POLICE Banned

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    nine one that oneliner is dope!
  15. nine one

    nine one Senior Member

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    throw is fuckinjg ugly, i know

    but if your standing in water colder as cold as ice with hard as hell rocks with pretty fast currents, im sure we would all wanna cry
  16. bak

    bak Senior Member

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    oh...god lol that one looks...idk?
  17. nine one

    nine one Senior Member

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    yeah its pretty bad, when i was doing that, i just wanted to commit sucide lol, you srsly dont understand how cold the weather was and how cold that water was and how sharp the rocks are, it was a lake side bomb XD
  18. bak

    bak Senior Member

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    shoulda busted a two letter throwie and a crew roll call??

    idk how deep were u in the water?
  19. nine one

    nine one Senior Member

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    it was this year, like im november, but it was pretty cold it was just hte begging, it was negetive 5 that evening, plus the water and the hard as hell rocks wernt helping
  20. JETPACK!!

    JETPACK!! Banned

    • Messages: 1,850
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    that's fucking fresh. good job!

    and that two letter one liner PO is nice
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2009