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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. white

    white Senior Member

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    post in the blackbook thread...this is painted pieces...and do simples
  2. lifer

    lifer Banned

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    if u dont wanna waste paint then dont paint it looks like it got the runs
  3. 21¢

    21¢ Senior Member

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  4. xaaronx

    xaaronx Senior Member

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  5. sike_21

    sike_21 Senior Member

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  6. Osie

    Osie Member

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    I r toy
    But s'all gooood ;)

    Attached Files:

  7. yortseD.eht.hturT.

    yortseD.eht.hturT. Senior Member

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  8. -HasH-The best

    -HasH-The best Member

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  9. exitus

    exitus Senior Member

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    waaaa, is this really yours? post more of your stuff
  10. Worms

    Worms Guest

    WTF im sure u bit the first one from somewhere cus the other two u posted are bunk... graffiti creator? lol
  11. exitus

    exitus Senior Member

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    those are not only 3 dif names, but the 2nd one is terrible. just look at that shadow on the s ;(
  12. -HasH-The best

    -HasH-The best Member

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    ya the last two are old as fuck ill be posting some new pieces tomorrow
  13. exitus

    exitus Senior Member

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    your full of shit, gtfo our site, biters are not wanted
  14. -HasH-The best

    -HasH-The best Member

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    tell me a word and ill do a piece to show u im for real bitch
  15. nine one

    nine one Senior Member

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    o shit, im feeling your shit sike, keep it up im loving the sikes

    and monk, there is already a monk in BC vancouver, he is supa dope and is on a pretty famous crew, SDK
  16. jersOneTIC

    jersOneTIC Senior Member

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  17. exitus

    exitus Senior Member

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    nice dude, did you run outa paint? i would have come back and finished when i got more
  18. -HasH-The best

    -HasH-The best Member

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  19. exitus

    exitus Senior Member

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    its an r, i thought u were going to jail
  20. -HasH-The best

    -HasH-The best Member

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    im talking about the pink and blue one u fucking idiot dam

    and i have been to jail and going to court the 20th