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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    thanks for the comment plank. can i get some more solid crits?
    its all done with cheap dollar cans
  2. TheMackey

    TheMackey Banned

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    phat i know i usually hate but thats prolly the best thing ive seen from u. Its well structured. The extenisons arnt all retarded the only thing i dislike is the arrow but i know u put it there to balance out the 2. over all nice though.
  3. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    alright, here we go! thanks, I apreciate it coming from you. but still I need the negatives more than the positives. those are the useful ones. where's that fuck, phillip. come hate on my work please asshole.
  4. RES4

    RES4 Elite Member

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    good things:
    the fade as far as i can tell is good, pic isnt great though so dont know how it looks up close
    highlights in the 3d are nice as well

    bad things:
    3d on the two isnt great
    the top of the two is fat and the middle bar is real thin in the middle but the rest of the piece has pretty consistent bar widths. Same for the P
    the left hand bar of the H looks shit the way it overlaps the P
    white highlights are a mess, i understand your using shit paint but if thats the case dont do them at all. if they werent there the piece would look a lot cleaner
    the arrow under the piece is gay, even gayer than a normal underline
    exclamation marks, why are they different on both sides?
    the second outline isnt even, for example left of the p and on the 2
    and you dont need a third black outline, the whole point of the second outline is to make the piece pop, the third outline kills this
    would look better without all the tags

    at first it looks really clean but the more you look at it the more of a mess it looks. id like to see you do a black and white piece, no 3d, and work on making your bars even and cleaning up the outline
  5. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    You look like you did a large version of your handstyle. Literally, it's right next to it and looks the exact same. You have much better structure on this piece than any of your others, but your flow is still off. That arrow is also facing the wrong direction, it's going in the opposite direction of your flow. Your 2 needs to work WITH your piece, not the other way around. The fade is pretty good for dollar cans. That A needs work, though. And the curve part of the P, the bottom especially, needs to be thicker. That's the only part of your piece with such a thin bar, and it's the wrong spot it would flair at. You're starting to get an understanding of structure, which is good, but you still need to work on flow and composition. Try making a piece that leans like this / / / \ \ \ \ with one of your addons at the bottom middle.
  6. RES4

    RES4 Elite Member

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    hahaha just noticed that, do you just outline a tag?
  7. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    yeah I know. this is EXACTLY what I did. I thought it was clear that it's a large version of a handstyle. except with colors, 3D and an outline... I did it on purpose, that's the whole concept here. and this is how I'm starting to understand structure. by working with the regular tag and working my way up to doing the piece. for now, it's the same as the tag, next time, I'll probably play around with it..

    and the fact that it's a chisel tip marker effect, and to keep the consistent stroke angle, it only makes sense that the middle part of the 2 be so thin, and the quotes on the right be different than the ones on the left. which should also answer your comments, phil, about the wrong flares. there actually are no flares in the piece.

    I aabsolutely agree on the part you mentioned regarding where the left bar of the H and the P overlap. it's the first thing I hated the most.
    though the purple border I used wasn't really popping out of the white background in real life, so I added the black second border. it looks better in this flick though hmm *shrug*

    ok, I guess I got what I needed. thanks for the comments and crits. real helpful. I'll stop hogging the thread now :p heh
  8. eriekid

    eriekid Senior Member

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    either wany handstyle peice and you made it look clean as fuck. i like it no i loved it but still ..try turning your tag in to a piece.. add extensions nwhat not later.. it turns something simple into something great..
  9. PETER

    PETER Elite Member

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    I haven't been on here very long, but that's the first time I've seen Phil give a ligit crit and not just talk shit. I also got a little bit of a sense of respect, but that could be due to the voice in my head reading it....
  10. RES4

    RES4 Elite Member

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    i dont think youll really learn structure just by outlining a tag, and the fact that you had to explain to us that it was a chisel tip effect means it doesnt work. plus if your going for a chisel tip effect then surely the horizontal bars on the A, T, 2 and the arrow should be thin?
  11. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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  12. geargff

    geargff Senior Member

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  13. vems

    vems Senior Member

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    yo i really like it man, try thickening up the barz and this would be a solid peice,atm it just looks like a handstyle with 3d. but i like it man, good work. mabe also close up the inside of the 2 aswell, so there is about the same amount of negative space as the P and bottom of the A. just my .02
  14. geargff

    geargff Senior Member

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    BAISE throwup orange2.jpg Baise Freight Hollow 1.jpg 2011-10-06 19.51.48.jpg DSC_0203.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2011
  15. Rites

    Rites Member

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  16. Graffguy

    Graffguy Member

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  17. Rites

    Rites Member

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    I don't see your contribution to critique, graffguy sucka.
  18. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    It all sucks. Theres your crits. Hit the books.
  19. TheMackey

    TheMackey Banned

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    his shit is actually good i duno what ur tripping on.
  20. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    post some of yours mr.bigshot. until then cut the shit

    ya not bad, they're all nice and simple