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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. knowtheledge

    knowtheledge Senior Member

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  2. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    dont blame the paint i paint with shit paint too so it has nothing to do with the piece or w.e that is and ill give you a tip on how to strech a can out while filling in PM me
  3. Pitlord

    Pitlord Member

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    I use Montana Black and Molotow Premium cans.

    And I wouldnt blame the paint either. If you are good at painting, you are able to paint good with crappy paint.
  4. ZETA

    ZETA Senior Member

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    i know i need to practice more with paint, thats only my third real painted piece since... a year ago... i was using ironlaks before and they filled wonderfully, but i dunno. also, i mostly was saying that "the fill is poor cause i was running out of paint" but in my earlier posts i did blame the paint. i could see a major difference though because BLOCK was using montanas for some parts, and i filled a bit with his to see the difference, and it was easily noticable.

    but it is true i need to get better anyway. thats what the toy sections for right..
  5. aaesoo

    aaesoo Senior Member

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    first time i tried bringing a blueprint to do a piece. barely looks like it and i still fucked it up lol
  6. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    fuck no, the toy section is here for me to make fun of all da toys. NO GETTING BETTER ALLOWED! its the rules.
  7. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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  8. IbuprofenTablets

    IbuprofenTablets Banned

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    This *****' was also fighting off ninjas while breaking nuts with his asscheek muscles and doing backflips. Pardon the bad fill, ya'll.
    Trust me, bro; I was there.

    It would have been different if he wasn't doing all of this stuff while painting.
  9. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    Just because his paint is better doesn't mean his fill looks better, it looks just as janky as yours does.
    My ass has to battle those blue ninjas every time I hit a spot, dog!
  10. MTK

    MTK Senior Member

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    i like the aeso one... but if you were trying to hide the bottom of the S just paint blue over it... yeeeee digggg?
  11. Goofy_Wan

    Goofy_Wan Member

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    The two paint jobs I've ever done. Was told to keep it simple and straight letter to learn can control. The brick work certainly helped with the second one. Was great fun finally getting out and painting, I definitely understand the buzz and addictive aspect of it now more so than before.

    Astra paint v.0.1.jpg

    Astra paint v.1.jpg
  12. Leopold Stotch

    Leopold Stotch Member

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    finally painted one of my recent sketchs, startin' to think about heading in this direction, crits? 301236_10150351868349834_504509833_8044417_316889278_n.jpg
  13. aaesoo

    aaesoo Senior Member

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    yee lol don't kno why that didn't occur to me haha.
  14. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    that crazy fill should be complimenting the flow of your letters. Not just a background, you know what I mean?
  15. Norfsuthr

    Norfsuthr Elite Member

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    Idk if you've heard of them, but there's already a couple different DE crews waaaay better. Not telling you to change the name, just showing you so you can decide what to do bout it...
    DE CREW!!
    DE crew Ironlak
    Then there's the bay area DE with plant trees, optimist, etc.

    pitlord- simplify
    zeta- same thing, might wanna stay in the bbook for a min just so you're not wasting paint.
    Debut- coming along, props on the spot. You might wanna outline in black 2x so it's thicker and more visible. As far as letters go, they need some fixing up but you're progressing well so dont worry about it.
    bruzer- Idk what the hell that first letter is, but it looks like buzr or something. Simplify and stay on paper till you got it down. on a positive note, your can control looks good.
  16. Strange Journeys

    Strange Journeys Senior Member

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    thanks norf, i was rushed and the car lights from the freeway were messin with me. the bay area DE with Japan and Plant trees is dope, see their frights sometimes

    scank dont do those hearts on your A
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2011
  17. toopski

    toopski Guest

    every crew u just showed is what US?

    also just noting the looks of the pics uve shown are either legal or look like chill spots the places i do are 1-2 mins before u get chased
  18. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    Yep their US. planttrees goes dumb, hes EVERYWHERE. Optimist stay wit the burners. They both bomb, quite the high risk areas, you come through to the bay area you wont go very long till you see either of them up, plantrees got some of the sickest bombs out there, he does not do no legal joints. I cant say I know if optimist does or not, but I would assume not based on the damage hes done to sf and oak
  19. Alan Au

    Alan Au New Member

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    My first piece with paint. Lmk what you guys think 294342_183035781776533_100002103378433_423527_1464041511_n.jpg
  20. Norfsuthr

    Norfsuthr Elite Member

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    Hey you do your thing man...

    What country/continent are you in?