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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. NESO1

    NESO1 Senior Member

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    bahahaha stop talking like you're gangster
    i know who you are
  2. leaks

    leaks Senior Member

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    fuck imagesahck
  3. leaks

    leaks Senior Member

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  4. leaks

    leaks Senior Member

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    that is fuckin amazing can control. i love the white around it [/b][/quote]
    finally finished it not the finished pic though i touched it up nice but forgot to take a pic
    [Broken External Image]:
  5. DeathRow

    DeathRow Senior Member

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  6. red november

    red november Senior Member

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  7. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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  8. Iron

    Iron Member

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    I went to a state park and I saw this ugly ass throw up made by some guy named dome. He put one up at everywhere and suks.
  9. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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    then go over him if u dont like it!
  10. FEN the HEN

    FEN the HEN Elite Member

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    what the fuck was the point of posting that (iron)
  11. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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  12. Fosale!

    Fosale! Elite Member

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  13. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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    the crown is part of a diff piece or bomb or w.e it is..
  14. Fosale!

    Fosale! Elite Member

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    Oh yeah, sorry, i'm fuckin dumb, well the other guy should lose the crown beacuse if he went over him i doubt he was too good
  15. lost_for_evex

    lost_for_evex Senior Member

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    its not a crown...its the top of a
  16. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    so it's not a crown eh?
    then what the fuck is this?
    [Broken External Image]:

    read what people say before you say shit.
  17. lost_for_evex

    lost_for_evex Senior Member

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    u really gota calm ur tits...i didnt see it. tght he ment the bumps abovie the trowie. and if he dosnt have purple in the trowie why would he use it for the crown...
  18. FEN the HEN

    FEN the HEN Elite Member

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  19. red november

    red november Senior Member

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    ya i never do that crown i no better then that
  20. DeathRow

    DeathRow Senior Member

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