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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. Etcha

    Etcha Senior Member

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    hmmmmmm...any idea on how i could improve?
  2. beone

    beone Elite Member

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  3. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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    and you didnt flick it why? eye is one of my alltime writers :( .....i mean how do u catch a eye frieght n not flick it :(
  4. beone

    beone Elite Member

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    ^that yellow ones fuckin nice [/b][/quote]

    sluts how r u gunna bite off a writer from the same forum?
  5. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    and you didnt flick it why? eye is one of my alltime writers :( .....i mean how do u catch a eye frieght n not flick it :( [/b][/quote]
    Because I'm making it my lifes work to dissapoint the hell out of you... :lol:

    Honestly, I can't figure that one out either... I left and when I got home I was like "why the fuck didn't I snap that?!" I think it's still out there. Maybe I'll catch it tommorow. I've seen 3 of his cars out here tho. Who's lens? He always bombs with some cat called LENS... :huh:
  6. lost_for_evex

    lost_for_evex Senior Member

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    lmao beone ur a fuckin idiot.
  7. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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    sluts how r u gunna bite off a writer from the same forum? [/b][/quote]
    wow bro....your fucking retarded, learn what the fuck you're talking about before you go saying shit to people. I didnt bit off of him, nor him off of me. we have similar styles....we developed them at the same time...fuck off...

    cezr...uhh im not sure if lens paint with eye because ive never heard of lens in jersey. he probably catches eye frieights n jus does shit next to him or something, or maybe eye knows him. fuck if i know....oh well....any time you catch jersey writers flick em :D. im sure you see plenty navy8 or maybe some chip7 and nace and shit. oh well...i want to find a frieght yard...
  8. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Yeah Lens and Eye roll together cuzz they share paint w/eachother when they're bombing. you got any eye flicks? the 3 frieights I've seen of his and the flick in the "freight train graffiti book are nearly identical except for color skemes. I'd like to see how else he gets down.
  9. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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    aww man do i have an eye flick for you...not a frieght but a billboard...
    him and savior...
    and some street flick..
    and another billboard...this is from back in the day...
    edit:heres another....didnt see it in time...
  10. beone

    beone Elite Member

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    besides the fact that the E's look exactly the same u know nothing big just they are exactly alike
  11. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    The fuck are you serious? Thats like saying your skiny cousin is the same as your fat ass dad. Get your fuckin glasses cheked you douche bag.
  12. lost_for_evex

    lost_for_evex Senior Member

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    stfu u idiot....(beone)

    anyway me and pesk mite get recruited by one of the dopest crews out here in jersey....they already talked 2 us they love our shit...they just want us 2 paint more.
  13. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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    yeahh boy....dsm....i hope...i can only hope
  14. beefgerky

    beefgerky Elite Member

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  15. prank

    prank Senior Member

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    yo the art of story telling was just too good :D
  16. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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  17. beone

    beone Elite Member

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    my bad guys u dont know how high i was im really sorry but anyways

    gerk that is a sick spot but u gotta make it bigger so it will stand out

    maybe hit it wit a fillin or is the spot to much heat?
  18. ion-i

    ion-i Elite Member

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    BEONE: lemme vouch for gerk on that. as we were on the rapid transit today, i never got to see it, so he was like, "just keep lookin, you'll see it" and then it rolls by, and it was really big. the spot is surprisingly easy to get up on he says, and he took up a lot of room, its VERY visible if you look out at it. mad props for them hittin that, its crazy reck since BART (bay area rapid transit) is such a big thing for the bay area. not to mention you can also see that spot off the street.
    FEVR got another little roof spot on his own too, props to him.
    WAW be gettin upsss.

    all i did that night was hook up with a chick, so im braggin on to them too much about that haha
    shes legiiiit tho
    ill have her let me do some body art sometime ;)
  19. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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    aww you were high what an excuse. think before you go running your mouth.
  20. FEN the HEN

    FEN the HEN Elite Member

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