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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    that second one is waaaaay better. try and not hold the can so close or move it faster cuz the first one looks a little drippy
  2. ?..DeMo..?

    ?..DeMo..? Senior Member

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    the seconf one is good the first one looks alrigt see if u can get a better pic of it
  3. oats

    oats New Member

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    will do, im goin out tonight to do my first peice using rollers, ill throw up some flicks later on.
  4. beone

    beone Elite Member

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    sorry but i think ur not quiet ready to go out im all for people going to paint and people as bad as u idc if they paint but only do chill spots ur gunna embaress urself and bring the heat out on writers if u live in a small place wit a couple writers and if u live in a city wit alot of writers ur gunna get dissed

    do ur thing tho but these kids are boosting ur ego to high ur not that great but ull get there man
  5. oats

    oats New Member

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    oh, yeah i know man. There is a fair bit of writers around my area. A couple of the big ones around here i i don't really get dissed but they do critique my shit and help me get it better.
  6. beone

    beone Elite Member

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    well thats good that u got writers but im sayin u dont wanna do heat spots and have the cops all over everyone who is out wit a backpack at night to stop graffiti

    seriously just practice in a chill spot and when ur doing some good shit go paint

    how long u been wiritng and where r u from
  7. -Tetra-

    -Tetra- Member

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  8. oats

    oats New Member

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    Uh, ive been painting probably 3 months...on and off. just recently have i felt somewhat confident with some of the shit ive been doin
  9. -Tetra-

    -Tetra- Member

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  10. ?..DeMo..?

    ?..DeMo..? Senior Member

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    keep sketchin looks wack not to be mean
  11. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    i agree...however poorly written this was. If I were you i would just sketch for a while. That is, unless you have a disposable income and buying paint isnt a problem, haha.
  12. Kept1

    Kept1 Senior Member

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    Keep goin to that spot and painting over that, over and over. Im not being a dick, im sayin it looks like a chill spot and that was what i was saying in the other thread, draw too, but paint paint paint like a mofo. You can be a bad mofuckin drawer(artist) whatever, but you pick up a can and your shit sucks balls. Painting more will help you understand how the drawings will come out ya know? If thats a chill spot, go hit it alot and practice.. but draw too.
    Its not that bad either. Ive seen some shit on here you wouldnt believe. Its not good good, but its not THAT bad.
    Just keep it up. ;) :ph34r:
  13. EZ3iL

    EZ3iL Member

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    Critz... its not me
  14. lost_for_evex

    lost_for_evex Senior Member

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  15. Nyc Sno

    Nyc Sno Elite Member

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    OMG wow u are lucky that isnt u that shit could blin someone god i mean wow i dont even know has that person ever heard of letter structure omg just wow :huh: :huh:
  16. EZ3iL

    EZ3iL Member

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    lol he used an entire black can to fill it... wat a waste
  17. Nyc Sno

    Nyc Sno Elite Member

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    is that even possible it doesnt look that big to me?
  18. FEN the HEN

    FEN the HEN Elite Member

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  19. beefgerky

    beefgerky Elite Member

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    probably because he was fucking 2 feet away lol.

  20. ?..DeMo..?

    ?..DeMo..? Senior Member

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    lol wow omg that shit is horable