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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. Skeam

    Skeam Senior Member

    • Messages: 335
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    bump for critz,

    the M was quite that wide, i had to take 2 pictures because i couldnt get the whole throw in 1 picture because the drain was to small and had to make the picture fit from 2 pics. lol
  2. some guy from NCI...

    some guy from NCI... Elite Member

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    why the heck is everyone puttin up in these drains?!
  3. Skeam

    Skeam Senior Member

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    cause every one is shit and doesnt wanna paint where everyone can see it and be like ooh they eat ass....

    well thats why i painted the drain :p
  4. DeathRow

    DeathRow Senior Member

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    I did it for practise ay.. Some drains are good though around were I live there is a couple of drains that heaps of famous writers paint in..

    BRAINE Elite Member

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    skeam- its not that bad, if anything it lacks flow but its OK.

    deathrow- you have a really good color scheme and it looks like you have good can control, but your letter structure is kinda weak. you might wanna just do one color fills and try to make better letter structure. the E would look good if the extension wasnt so wide and the rest had even width going. the rest of the letters need to go back to the drawing board though.

    find a better bridge to paint under. like an actual bridge if you have one that isnt over a freeway.

    or go to chill spots or paint behind dumpsters in alleys
  6. zeekone

    zeekone Member

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    yo...dus any one want me to draw there name and trey draw mine..?im not that bad,i have graffed for like 4 years now..
  7. a!Ds

    a!Ds Senior Member

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  8. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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  9. KaL1

    KaL1 Senior Member

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    sooo uhh any crits on my first one?
  10. DeathRow

    DeathRow Senior Member

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    Ay thanx for the crits brah,

    Just wantin to ask though why don't the letters go together? It was meant to look like this..
    [Broken External Image]:

    I was trying something a lil more complex then simples cause i can add style into my simples so yeah.. I aint saying your criticism was bad just want to know why you think it needs to go back to the drawin boards...

  11. spuck

    spuck Senior Member

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    not bad, and although its pretty obvious i think, it would look infinitely better with the 3d parts completely blacked in
  12. KaL1

    KaL1 Senior Member

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    alright,ill paint another at my practise spot and fill in the shadow.then ill post up here.
  13. fastt

    fastt Member

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    here's some throwies i've done in the past month

    first time usin this krylon purple. drippy as a mutha fuka
    i like this one. the shadowing on the I didnt show up cause of the black paint behind it
    i know...i need to stop using this baby blue.
    this one got crossed out =[

    tell me what i need to work on
  14. SiLeNt-BoB

    SiLeNt-BoB Elite Member

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    make your letter the same size..and add a force field..and its all good!
  15. Skeam

    Skeam Senior Member

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    work on your fills mate. looks pretty good besides that
  16. SiLeNt-BoB

    SiLeNt-BoB Elite Member

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    there nuthin up with his fills....ghetto fill...not every bomb has to be perfect..
  17. Skeam

    Skeam Senior Member

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    bump for critz,

    the M was quite that wide, i had to take 2 pictures because i couldnt get the whole throw in 1 picture because the drain was to small and had to make the picture fit from 2 pics. lol [/b][/quote]
    BUMPIDY BUMP BUMP... critza-majiggas
  18. alive

    alive Banned

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    get ur letters the same size and closer together, itl look hot, but i like it already. o but a big thing, your missing maddddd shine. its not just the upper right remember, its bottom left of ANY LINE. so for example there should be shine on the top of the second downward stroke of the S, if the makes any sense. the line ur accidntly did twice, which by the way, next time cover up with some extra paint.

    keep going
  19. alive

    alive Banned

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    dunno y it didnt copy pictures for the second quote, buttttt

    fasttt, make ur lettters all the same height, itl look much better, they dont look thattt bad, but sketch

    ICK- ur letters look like other letters, sry, get the the sketch thread, but looking past that, i like them a lot. lol
  20. Skeam

    Skeam Senior Member

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    thanx heaps alive, its real inspirational when someone says it looks good or it has potential and to keep going.

    appreciate it mate.
