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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by KAMO, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. zeekone

    zeekone Member

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    nice hero...but u need a lil work but nice..atleast u gettin up!
  2. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    damnnn hero. you need a little more shaping, but your up with heart.
  3. Skeam

    Skeam Senior Member

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    getting up really good mate, but i agree maybe a bit more time concerntrating on the lettering. but still great work buddy.

  4. fastt

    fastt Member

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    i think you should throw in some shadows.
  5. -task-

    -task- Senior Member

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    thanks, im workin on gettin those down...
  6. lost_for_evex

    lost_for_evex Senior Member

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  7. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    Correct me if im wrong but it looks like your hiting a fuckin school in some of those pics.
  8. Stonk

    Stonk Senior Member

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  9. shifty!

    shifty! Senior Member

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    i dont really like the squilly thing on the S, so maybe just make that line staright...
  10. shifty!

    shifty! Senior Member

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    if it is a school he probably doesnt go to that school or is out of school...
  11. nephsike

    nephsike Senior Member

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    its good to see poeple bombing....but alot of should hit the books more, cause that shit definatley aint worht goin to jail for
  12. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    Thats besides the point, i dont care if the school is out for the summer or if he doesnt go there, its fucking gay to tag any school.
  13. sice1

    sice1 Senior Member

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    :lol: me 2
  14. fastt

    fastt Member

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    i think shadows are easy to learn. just pretend the light source is shinging in one area. lets say it's the top right hand corner, everything on the left side and bottom side of the letters should have shadowing under it
  15. cookies!

    cookies! Senior Member

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  16. MF Feed Letter

    MF Feed Letter Senior Member

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    i woud be embarassed to be seen painting that
  17. a!Ds

    a!Ds Senior Member

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    wow you stole the words right out my mouth.
    id throw an egg or somethin and you and your bomb, noo offense, but yea ur structure sucks, ur 3d is really bad, you need better control, and do the fill in of a letter 1st then outline it.
  18. cookies!

    cookies! Senior Member

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    if its any better, im on the bottom lol
  19. djsupreeme

    djsupreeme Elite Member

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  20. -task-

    -task- Senior Member

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