dude not the best letters....try moving bars alittle smuther.... heres my umm....bomb? XD [Broken External Image]:http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/2512/0806081657nm2.jpg ran out of spray XDDD crits?
i like the E and L, but the J could use a little work. maybe make it bend instead of a corner on the lower half of the J, round it out, i dunno. nice though.
fuck off dude , that purple thing i did wasnt great at all i agree. my peice deff burned what was underneath it. but yeah like i said go fuck yourself. and i would hope that your better than me since youve been saying how shitty my stuff is
oldie... [Broken External Image]:http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm149/eskimofoks/eskithrow.jpg Easily Discovering Inventions