been messin around in the blackbook for a while heres my first try with a can in my hand crits? and yeah i know its only 3 letters i ran out of room like an idiot, ill drop another one tomorrow and save space
I'm new to the forum but have been watching the action going on in here for a while. I've been working on my stuff for the past three months probably, here's some of the haggard shit I've done. Before people jump on me, I live in the middle of no-where and know that my stuff is whack. I'd love some crits and feedback to make sure I've progressed.
View attachment 381139 View attachment 381140 View attachment 381141 MUZE - u got some sick fills dude, keep em comin any comments?
I like your last one the best Jerm. The can control is a lot better than the previous 2. You can tell there aren't any spots on it where you stalled or anything. Nice work. As for the first 2 it looks like you did the outline first. Muse, I like #5 the best. Your U looks like an N on the last one.
Muze- your letter structure needs some work but there is progression between the photos. Honestly though i wouldnt worry about any crazy fills yet. Jerm- That last pic is by far the best, the main thing i would change though is extend the bar that seals the top part of the E down. Speedy- its not bad but im not likin the blue, it shoulda been brown like camo... atleast thats what i woulda done
Rots - That shit looks mad clean man. I just think the R could flow a little better with the rest. Task - Its decent. Just fix that S. Muze - Im just not diggin the letters at all man. Nor the "sick fills". Just keep working at it dude. Jerm - You're almost there. I don't like your throw at all though. Your last piece is decent. Just work on your E and M. Jask - Just work on your letters a bit more. I dont like the drips though. Just doesnt fit with that piece in particular. Your control is decent though. Edit* I dont think I said decent enough.
seriously? that's hoer's exact r. up to the 3 dots for the hole in it. i wasn't trying to be a dick calling out a bite. i was just saying.
Dollar can fun from like 30 minutes ago. [Broken External Image]: And I agree with Nostra. For whatever that's worth.
it aint worth shit! just playin i like that new peice. You'll have to tell me where its at later. I did a daytime quick throwie peice today. Flicks on the way
Aiite heres a flick from a place in Miami that me and my boy painted a bit, I threw up the one that reads "Rest" and the one on the wood surface was by my friend but he just got into graff like 3 weeks ago so I've been trying to help him out but I'm no expert or anything like that check it: [Broken External Image]:
task ur peice u did is cool and all. but why so many points on the end of your letters? keep that simple
Ease: on the left bar of the A shoulda been a bit thiner at the top. and the 2nd E seems shorter than the first one here's the lil throw up:
zero-its alright, i kinda dont liek all teh different little bits comuing off the edges of teh letters, liek the end of the o,. and middle of the e. but other than that it seems u have pretty decent can control, unliek me lmao. [Broken External Image]: um ya i couldnt get a full pic yet, but crit it as is, i fucked up bigtime, teh sek is bigger than the l and a. owell. ALSO teh fuckign gold burned through the black outline and shadow