do we really need to see every marker tag yall did, its just not nesesary to post all them lil tags...even if they good
"quit yo bitchin" lmao u talkin bout our shit yet when ur man ninja n rein post all their taggs u dnt complain..da fuck is wrong wichu kidd..start a different thread n stay there...please. matter fact..leme start a new 1..and please stay out of it. keep this one for yourself okay KING CREAK
i LIKE seeing tags. the rumor and braz stuff was aight. we always get pieces in online forums but i like seeing a nice hand once in a while too
cuz i dont really care that much, but why yall gettin on me all i said was it was a bit unnesesary, thats all i ever said i never "got on you" bout it or anything, and rein why would you want me to bitch at you??? and im just sayin in general, like postin a few hot tags is all cool but postin half a page of marker tags is a bit much ya know but who cares do whatever. at least the hands are good no need to get all defensive bout shit lol
cuz i dont really give a fuck, just said one little thing to them cuz it was gettin a bit annoying whatever