snielsgreen View attachment 404690 kriskros [Broken External Image]: ohsnap [Broken External Image]: skeetz View attachment 404691 awwwgay View attachment 404692 halfSTAR View attachment 404693 anoy View attachment 404694 likerainbutnot [Broken External Image]: viruz View attachment 404695 ***WEEKLY SKETCH BATTLE (Toy/Advanced) *** WORD: KRSONE SPECIFICS: Must be one sketch, on paper. Give it a shot. DEADLIINE: Wed. September 10th RULES: This battle is for writers of any skill level, and the mod will determine advanced or toy. Two polls will be made one of toys and one for advanced. No digital modifications. One entry per person. Please send your flicks with the word of the battle in the title. if you do not im going to delete it. PM space is a needed. MOD IN CHARGE: Kid Bazer
dont rly see anything great in any of em. couldnt decide between the two simples likerain and ohsnap so i flipped a coin. likerain gmv
ey baze what the fuck? awwGayy? yeah hopefully that was a mistake if not u r one mature dude ohh and i think skeetz shit was dank
shut up fag alsoooo i cant see pics so i random voted n yeah is there an advanced one cos ill do my entry on the plane again ..:/
i pitty the fool who thinks there no advanced one... awwwgay you voted for yourself... lol....... gay.
good shit nsnap fucking limes cat ate up the charger to the comp so i didnt even bother doing it.... this was a good battle... i got you on the next one snapz...good shit
^^ yea i used his tutorials for inspiration and didnt realize how much i bit till my friend told me yesterday was gonna ask to have it taken down since its not rly mine but didnt have time to ask yesterday too much hw just gonna go back to what i did before cuz even though it looks better like this its not gonna help me in the long run
yeah prob look at skeetz its a prime example that theres still heads on this site that will vote pretty colors over, solid structure