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Weirdest Graff Related Story

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Thief, May 25, 2004.

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  1. TECKN

    TECKN Senior Member

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    true, just started, but i got a better tag now and im goin bombing tonight so i will try to get pics
  2. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    ide get your can control and a ballin tag style down before you go tossin it up everywhere. gunna suck if you get caught by the po and charged for some little shit like that. plus the respect comes with skill and location not just location
  3. TECKN

    TECKN Senior Member

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    very true, thanks, i will try to practice more
  4. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    just find a really low key spot to hit up. Like theres a big concrete colvert with a 5ft tunnel that leads up to it in the woods by my house and thats where i practice new styles these days. Cause i could sit there and paint for hours and nobody would fuck with me. Just worry bout gettin your style down before you worry bout gettin up
  5. Apel-MH

    Apel-MH Senior Member

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    Funnyist story (i think iv already told it) i was doing a piece with my friend, he was finishing the piece on a ladder (in a prodomonently safe area) when three cops comee running around the corner. and pulled the lader back, my mate acted dead so he cops fucken bailed like a bitch.

    Another funny one was i convinced a cop that stickers and poster were legal (i wasnt even shore but i since found out there not)
    i was like "look bro whatever arest me and take me down to teh station, your boys wil fucken larghf at you"

    And my last good one was i made these ACAB stickers (dope as hell, best stickers iv ever made) and walked past my local police station and chucked it on a car, not fucken relising that there was a cop in the car. he wound down he's window and said "is there a problem kid?" i was liek "yea bro someone just did an arm rob down there someone probs already called the cops but i dont no. it was pretty nasty i think the guys hurt"

    so he fucken bulted of like a dumb fucken cunt.

    and some of you cunts reckon its bad that Aussie cops are cumber then a fucken brick wall.
  6. Apel-MH

    Apel-MH Senior Member

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    Funnyist story (i think iv already told it) i was doing a piece with my friend, he was finishing the piece on a ladder (in a prodomonently safe area) when three cops comee running around the corner. and pulled the lader back, my mate acted dead so he cops fucken bailed like a bitch.

    Another funny one was i convinced a cop that stickers and poster were legal (i wasnt even shore but i since found out there not)
    i was like "look bro whatever arest me and take me down to teh station, your boys wil fucken larghf at you"

    And my last good one was i made these ACAB stickers (dope as hell, best stickers iv ever made) and walked past my local police station and chucked it on a car, not fucken relising that there was a cop in the car. he wound down he's window and said "is there a problem kid?" i was liek "yea bro someone just did an arm rob down there someone probs already called the cops but i dont no. it was pretty nasty i think the guys hurt"

    so he fucken bulted of like a dumb fucken cunt.

    and some of you cunts reckon its bad that Aussie cops are cumber then a fucken brick wall.
  7. TECKN

    TECKN Senior Member

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    yo, i just came back from bombing the bridge, sadly the girl couldnt come, but tomorrow we can do it

    anyways, i did a wall under the bridge, a BIG throw up on it, it looked pretty good, and i wrote my new tag under it, i will take pics tomorrow and post them
  8. _zen_

    _zen_ Member

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    the COPS are cumber than a fucken brick wall huh

    then what are you ?

    um I don't really have any weird stories sorry
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  9. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    i was at this liek abandoned roas no-one uses, and its actualyl a road to a train station, so tehyt had security cars, so im tagging this pole, takign my time cuz ik i have it, then im done, i walk back to grab my skateboard, and theres security car, just sittign there liek maybe 15 feet away, so i take my board and book it, it was mad creepy cuz the car just liek appeared, and they didnt chase me down.
  10. TECKN

    TECKN Senior Member

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    ghost cops lol whoa
  11. kroc_oner

    kroc_oner Elite Member

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    i have a semi weird one

    last night i was with my neihbor and his friend they been writing for like 7 years and anyway while we were painting they were doin peices i was doin throws and one peice when we were in the middle of it we started hearing foot steps in the woods behind us there was a brick wall so they were like lets just chilli was like w/e 10 mins later we were still there and heain foot steps so they finished there peices and the foot steps got louder so my neigbor he got on the roof by climbing this pipe or sumthing he said he didnt see anyone but we were still hearing foot steps so he got down we put the paint into this construction site an ran back to the car shit was weird cause we had like 30 mins to do all tht shit so we dont no wht it was and when we got back to get the paint and were goin to the car with it we heard voices like someone called us but there wasnt anyone
  12. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    ok this is only semi graff related cause i was throwin up marker tags everywhere on our 2 hour walk, but check this shit out. Worst night in a long ass time.

    So i went to denton last night, with some friends to go to a club/bar. And our cars got towed...

    And so we got some semi directions and just started walking to find the tow place. Well it ended up being alot further than we thought and we ended up walking for like 2 hours, we finally make it to the tow place as a freind get there to pick us up, it was like 3:30 am at this point.

    And appartently the subway right there is open till 4 am so we decided to eat. Well we get done eating and get the cars outta the impound and i get a ride with my friend samy. And our friend ashley goes with adonis and zach who are the ones who came to pick us up. Well me n samy left and apparently right after we left a bunch of dudes at the subway tried to pick a fight with adonis who would have been way out numbered. so he just got in his car and started driving off.

    Then they started chasing him and trying to run him off the road. they did once and he ended up in a big field where his car died from bouncin up the curb and off a gaurd rail as they were comin up on em. well managed to get it started again and back onto the road. and they kept chasing him! well on one of the next turns he hit a dip in the intersection while turning and lost control and smahed into the side of a truck and bounced off spun around and did a 180 and smashed up onto a curb.

    Totally his older 7 series beamer. he was ok but ashley's head and arm were all cut up from the glass and zach's arm had a huge cut in it. Meanwhile me and samy are lost as fuck on backroads trying to find them cause we had called ashley and all she said was we were being chased we wrecked theres blood everywhere i gotta go.

    So were both freaking out and eventually we find em at like 4:45 am cause of all the cop lights. Turns out none of them were hurt real bad and we took em home but his car was fucked. One hell of a night.
    And i even left some of it out so it wouldnt be a full on novel so thats the short version of it. So basically 2 towed cars and wrecked car and one insane action movie style car chase later i made it home at like 530 in the morning. shit sucked
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2008
  13. kroc_oner

    kroc_oner Elite Member

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    damn herbn tht sucks like a bitch
  14. RetroLikeWhoa13

    RetroLikeWhoa13 Elite Member

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    you have a friend named Adonis, thats tight as fuck.
    shitty night though, sounds like you've had better.
  15. The_NaMEz_BaNKz

    The_NaMEz_BaNKz Elite Member

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    alright so heres this quick one...

    once me and my nephew was out bombing in the its light snow at like were walkin and we walk past this place ..i was gonan bomb it but in my head i said i continue walkin past it..and the whole time iw as just shakin my cans....then were like 20 feet from the place i was gonna bomb..and my nephews like ..yo look back...

    i look back and theres this guy with a hood on and a huge knife jus standing outside the place i was gonna this point im he come we keep walkin..and hes still we jus turn the street and get outta the area...assuming hes gonan follow us....
  16. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    haha yeah i think its a cool name too. Yeah ive had alot better lol walking like 2 miles while drunk wasnt much fun either. All considered with the loss of a car and 2 impounded plus the club and drinks the night probly cost like around $11,000 total not for me of course but if you rolled it all together. pretty crazy if you think of it that way. Way better things could have been done for that much lol

    ^^^wtf? damn thats creepy as hell. Did you ask him for a smoke?
  17. raidsquadfilmz

    raidsquadfilmz Member

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    me and my mate resn were walkin back from a bomb, and anyways theres this fitness shop so yeah why not, whip out a scratchie and start writin, so we keep walkin and we were like halfway home and this guys like boyz and were like umm yeahh... and hes like i hear youve been writing on my building. and im like no and then he says well my neighbours saw you mate dont deny it, and im like wtf i didnt do shit and he goes, what so your sayin your friend here did it ? and im like no im sayin i didnt do it, so i started walking and him an another guy come up to us, and the other guys like yep thats them and im like look mate fuck you i didnt do shit now leave us alone, so we kept walkin and hes like want me to call the cops and im like LOL go ahead (we were like basically there)

    Another one:

    My mate resn and me just bought a molotow paint each (when we just got into graff) and we decide to test it out in a hungry jacks, so we walk into the bathrooms and start hittin up, like bombin like fuckin crazy, so anyways before resn was done i ordered a drink, and the guy saw paint on my hands and he gave me a wierd look, so i just smiled... anyways resn walks out, i start walkin up the stairs and the manager follows me and he pretends to check the power box and anyways i hit up and walk out and resn is waitin at the corner of the street, and hes like, fuck dude these guys are onto us, and i was like k walk, and the managers like OII . and we booked it running through this massive shopping centre.

    fuck its fun though xD
  18. edapt_gc

    edapt_gc Member

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    me and my crew were out catching tags and we were gonna wheatpaste some shit we had worked out. its a college town so pretty much every night but sunday is bad for tagging cause theres a shit ton of people out and a lot of cops waiting to bust freshman drinking. but we went out on wednesday and the first two spots we planned to hit had cameras all over them. so we were walking around looking for a spot without people or cameras and this cop comes flying past us, he looks at us as he goes by and make a u-turn in the middle of the road. we just keep walking, and he follows us for about 10 min.

    i dont know what he was waiting for, its not like we would forget he was behind us and start doing throwies. he finally turned onto some side street and we decided to go to this train depot a little bit away. and then on the way there a black cat crossed right in front of us and we just said "fuck it, this nights cursed, lets go home"
  19. -Leski

    -Leski Senior Member

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    One time while out bombing I tripped and slammed face first into a dumpster and blacked out. While I was out cold I saw the light and the tunnel leading to heaven, I walked along it. At the end of the tunnel I met god and he said to me.

    "***** It is not your time yet, but take a moment to speak with me. I find your path in life interesting.You are talented, intelegent, and of a inteluctual nature... Why did you choose to leave your mark in the way you do?"

    I put my arm on his back as we walked back the tunnel, "You already know why I do what I do lord, but because you want me to say it so I may better understand...".

    "I mark things the way I do because I reject the laws of man, who has no place with his moral ineptitude to place rules and judgement on his kin."

    I began to walk down the tunnel back to my unconsious body as the lord nodded and turned away. Glancing over my shoulder I noticed that he hadnt removed the slap I placed in the small of his back.

    True story.
  20. acereborn

    acereborn Elite Member

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    haha, we have a new author on our hands =D