so this one time i was at this one place next door to that store where the bridge is and i had this stuff i wanted to use and it was kinda hard to understand but some guy said something and i think it was like hey kid what are you doint by that thing its not good for you to see stuff like that in this kind of neighborhood and i was like whatever guy get bak in that thing and go over there and just leave that stuff you have on the road over there k. the end
wow i saw like this beutiful woman you know walking down the streeet and of course i wanted to impresse her so i take out my can and start wawe'in you know and say wassup baby where are you going,and shes all quiet so i ran up to this big ass wall right by and make a throw up just to impress that whore.. and she startin to run towards me and at that point i realized she was a pig..
me and my friend were bombing this big cement thing at an old airforce base and out of the blue like fuckin 10 joggers just run by and see us and were like OH SHIT and make a break for it with like 10 joggers chasing us. it was pretty fuckin funny.
Last year I met these 2 lesbian nuns right? So we meet up and go out to dinner, just the 3 of us. It was just a friendly relationship, next thing I know we're back at the church and the one is going down on the other. Right about now I'm freakin' out. Next thing I know I'm in the middle of a religious 3-way with 2 hot ass nuns. This affair goes on for a few weeks, then I was told that both not one but both of them want to have my child. So I get em' both pregnant, bitchslap both of them, and go taggin'.
and then...... and then...... and then...... and then...... and then...... and then...... and then...... and then...... and then...... and then......
alright so i was bombing this little dinky truck at like 11 at night or whatever and the store owner guy runs out(the guy who owns all the trucks) what the fuck are you doing?? and i was like i dont know what the fuck are you doing? and hes like you know what smartass im calling the cops and i was like alright then im calling the cops and he gets out his phone so i make my fingers like a phone(hopfully you know what i mean) and like i go hello cops? theres an asshole trying to stop me from doing graffiti on his big nice truck and i pretend t hang up. and he goes alright come with me and i just say fuck you and start fucking BOLTing the fuck outta there and hide in a garbage can for about 30 mins until they leave. B)
yo i am going to do that shit next time the situation arises... last night i was walking home piss drunk from a halloween dance with 2 cans of whites and a dark red just putting shit up wherever i stumbled too.. so i saw these 3 huge concrete walls that are on the side of this one street and i painted at least 30 nofills on them one after another.. 15min straight with not one car coming by, then im just coming to the end of the 3rd wall and running out of paint, and i see some headlights up and coming around the corner, so slide my can up my sleeve and put my hands in my pockets to block the other 2.. then this car comes around and it turns out to be one of those big bad police trucks that are ever so intimadating. so i just stopped, stared right in the window at them as they creeped by me, and then just started walking when they stopped... guess they didnt bother because then i put the paint behind a car and walked home with no hassle,.. then had some juice and fell asleep... i had other run ins earlier in the night but nothing really exciting kindalikethisone came of them.. i just wanted to participate.. <_<
i was actually joking about the one i posted before..that never happend. just thought it would spice it up.
me an my boy zone were out paintin and shit hit up a few walls and shit we go back to my dads house drop of the cans get a drink and shit and about 2 hours latta we go back out to check out our shit but when we got bac we saw a po po on a bike lookin at a bunch of graff and shit he askes a bunch of qustins and shit any way as we start walkin away we see on this porkers bike his flash light and he was turned around we just racked and left it was mad funny cuz i was stone an shit :lol:
In 7th grade when I couldnt get a hold of spray paint I notice the janitor had a can or White Krylon in his cleaning cart at school so I Waited for him afterschool and stood in this bullshit homework help thing then while he went inside a classroom to clean the garbage can I stole that shit.