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What Do You Pay Per Can?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by koper, Dec 9, 2006.

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How much do you pay per can of paint?

  1. Nothing!

  2. $1 US

  3. $2 US

  4. $3 US

  5. $4 US

  6. $5 US

  7. $6 US

  8. $7 US

  9. $8 US

  10. $1 CDN

    0 vote(s)
  11. $2 CDN

  12. $3 CDN

  13. $4 CDN

  14. $5 CDN

  15. $6 CDN

  16. $7 CDN

  17. $8 CDN

  18. $9 CDN

    0 vote(s)
  19. $10 CDN

  1. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    word son? mike showed me a place around here that sells it....$11 a can though, and you can't rack it... [/b][/quote]
    you mean mike adam?? and a shop up in canada that sells real rusto??(is it american accents) thats sik but who the fuck is gona pay 11 a can?? just rack krylon or painters touch!
  2. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    whats the most anyones ever dropped on a can that wasn't montana or belton??
  3. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    you mean mike adam?? and a shop up in canada that sells real rusto??(is it american accents) thats sik but who the fuck is gona pay 11 a can?? just rack krylon or painters touch! [/b][/quote]
    that's what i said when i saw the price...and yes it's the big cans...the ones with the hardhat on them...NOT american accents.
  4. moltov

    moltov Senior Member

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    when I dont rack them, I normally just buy belton or montanas for like $6-$7
  5. noam12

    noam12 Senior Member

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    heh usally like 2.30 something liek that for rusto, but my friend works at the paint store so usally he'll rack for me and shit.

    lol i got friends that chisel of the censor and put the cans in there pants at wallmart.
  6. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    how the fuck do u rack montana?? usually they only sell it at graff shops and their almost impossible to rack from cuz they know thats what we do... :ph34r:
  7. slick dick willy

    slick dick willy Senior Member

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    I don't know? but i rack mad rusto's like 50 or so at a spot i know
    yeah, I bought montana's once.
  8. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    you rack them from the truck right?? or like the truck loading area?? ive taken cases of krylon out the front door but 50 rustos?? thats bomb man :ph34r:
  9. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    yeah we cant get montana or belton up ehre. no shops will send due to fuckin regulations for hazmat and shit. oh well. so we stuck with rusto, but its alright. love the american accents. it comes out so much better than normal rusto its amazing. anyone know if they make a black american accents? i doubt it. never seen it, just wonderin, because im tired of my black cans exploding when using grey/blackdots
  10. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    lol i hate when that shit happens, almost as bad as the time my friend didn't know how to do the zippo flame thrower and blew his fuking hand up cuz he didn't stop the paint, he also wasted a silver montana nitro can...STUPID LITTLE FUCK STILL HASN'T PAID ME BACK
  11. Asshat

    Asshat Elite Member

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    going to buy some walmart silver after i get my paycheck tomorrow :)
  12. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    lmao i actually clicked ur montana link...i knew it wasn't fo real but i thought it was just sum funny random fuck walmart i can get krylon silver for the same price :D
  13. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    so my homeboy sherone in germany just sent me, well i jsut got, his package for x-mas, and he sent me 15 cans of belton. When he was here we would get so frustrated cuz we could never get our hands on any of the shit and no shops would send it to Alaska, so he sent me some for x-mas. im so excited to use it for the first time wooooo. haha
  14. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    lol good luck to ya. use it well... what colours d'you get?? please say u didn't get belton for bombing....not to hate but srsly why use graff paint for shits that arn't supposed to loook that good anyways..just a waste of money...

    i use hardcore or belton for pieces when i can but usually just krylon or the occasional rusto when i feel like it but for bombing i've only ever used something other than krylon once, my friends montana nitro paint...comes out so fast and its sooo thick i loooved it.... mad expensive

    anyways goood luck wit zzeh belton
  15. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    mad post whoring from you tonight haha. well me too.
    uhhh yeah well he bought it and he has some hook ups in germany to get belton and montana for maaaaadad cheap. and no im not going to use it for bombing. well i might i dont know. free paint. too cold to paint anyway right now though. all the walls have frost. but i am none the less excited
  16. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    lol whatever they can't actually say were whoring cuz our posts technically have a purpose i well anyways FUCK HOW COLD IS IT like the walls literally iced over??? when will it start heating up again??
  17. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    yeah they are literally iced over. well frost. its fucking gay. there are a couple walls around that i can hit and i will but its been snowin the last week everyday and when its not its like around 0 or has been lately. ill gt my shit together though at some point. but yeah all spots for pieces, like bridges tunnels anythng covered, all frost. then alot of nice summer piecing spots you have to treck through waist deep snow and im lazy... but one of my boys jsut got back form college so maybe hell get my ass out again. haha. we used to go like last winter, to those spots wearing snowshoes!! hahahahaha shit was fucking great :D
  18. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    lmao sounds fun...i made a vow to earn my posts and stop whoring for the night so please don't say shit i can respond to anymore until tomorrow lol...i really need a life, ive been on here since like 9 at the latest :S
  19. elvr1

    elvr1 Guest

    $1 per can limited rusto colors
  20. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    sik...waz ur hookup