Just want to shoot the shit with everyone so to get things started please share either an image or story of your best or favorite graffiti!
New phone so no pics of this one, but, my favorite piece was a small piece i did on this 4ft tall foundation in a lot theyve been trying to sell a few cities away from me, on a highway at like 430am. It was Flame Blue Pistachio, Flame Blue Denim Blue Light, Flame Blue Pure White, Flame Blue Riviera, and Molotow Coversall Black. It was a piece for my crew, WOMG, (Write On My Grave,) and it's my favorite because the colors went so sick together, and because I was alone for once, and I never do crew pieces alone. I had to do it this time though because it was just the perfect spot and i didnt wanna be selfish. So i threw the fill (2 tone: riviera and denim blue light,) then had to hide, then threw thebackdrop/splash (pistachio) then outline (Black) and a few shines (Pure White,) and shades (black,) then had to hide like 10 times over and over because of more and more cars, and if i remember right, I tagged the inside of the M with my outline color (black) and again over the same tag with my backdrop color (pistachio) then I went back behind the foundation where my stuff was stashed and i had been running to hide, and i packed up, grabbed gear, and walked home with my heart racing. For the first mile. I dont think i ever had a rush like that before, even though i come pretty close almost every time i write. But that one, that night, spooked me, and i loved it. Also, to clarify, it wasnt my best work, even up to that date, but the colors were amazing. It was bottom to top (about 4 feet tall) and about 10-12 ft wide.
Wow that sounds pretty awesome! Wish you did have a pic of it still & a video of you running haha! The name of your crew intrigues me for some reason!
Haha ive got pics somewhere. I'll post here when i find them. My crews are Bomb Squad 228 and Write On My Grave. BS228 is about 10 years old and always remained a super tight circle of people me and my cousons knew, but its pretty much a retired name, since my cousins stopped writing and everyone else moved away, until I decide to "open it back up" if I ever do... WOMG is about a year old, and we're a super small local crew that is mostly comprised of youngsters that I ran into one night, and decided to teach the right way. This is how I started writing again afrer years of a break. Now it's down to me and 2 others, since I just got home from a few months in jail (i wrote a thread on that story today, too,) and most of them didn't stick with it. I knew the 4 that left didn't have the heart tho. But once I find out who a few of these newer (yet pretty talented) names are in my area, hopefully we'll be a bit bigger and more active. But the name WOMG came about when I decided that it wasn't right to adopt these kids into BS228 since it was pretty much a dead crew and they werent that experienced, so they wouldnt have been accepted anyway. I sat down one night, wrote a big list of names and acronyms, and brought it to all of them. They voted on their top 3 favorites, and one came up with WTID (Write Til Im Dead) and everyone liked it more than any of my ideas, then I suggested WOMG because 1) it means im so dedicated that i want my mausoleum/tombstone/crypt/sarcauphogas/etc tagged when I die, 2) it has omg in it so it already rolls off the tongue and is easy to remember, and 3) as my gf figured out, its funny as fuck to say wwwoooooooooooohmygod! Also, weve come up with Wrath of my Graf and a few others by the same acronym.