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Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by C-money fresh!, Sep 2, 2007.

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  1. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    Asking this in the wheatpaste thread?
  2. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Don't paste where people are gonna recognize you period. All those cats you think will see you doing it and think you're cool and keep quiet wont. They'll hate on you just to feel like they were part of it. They'll run their mouth and you'll get heated. Also don't hit schools. It's bad form whether you're a writer or street artist or whatever. Schools are just a wack hit, regardless of the message. Part of postering is putting thought into your spot. Think these things- high profile? multiple escape routes? how is the poster gonna look in context to the surface? (ex-big,small, out of place).. I've hit solid spots day and night. If it's well planned, you should be golden, but if you want a career in illegal art, you're gonna have to deal with vandal squad. You can't work around their hours. You can't daylight bomb every time.
  3. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    Well the thing is no one at school even KNOWS I do graff. I'm kinda one of the outcasts who no one even looks twice at. Being "goth" in a predominately black school does have it's perks I guess. That is the major thing behind postering the school. It is a movement to get the students (as well as faculty as they are guilty of it to) to look past scene's and such and start treating people equally. Me and some other of my "goth" friends come to school and are followed, harassed, and negatively stereotyped EVERY day, by teachers as well as students while the "thug" and "gangster" (they are all just posers but w/e) kids could come to school with gang perihelia and get off scotch free, I come to school with a screen printed shirt that has the Anarchy A on it and get it confiscated and am forced to wear a lost and found shirt. It's all about social equality in the school. Since our petitions don't seem to be working I figure direct action is the way to go.
  4. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Well, good luck man. I'm pretty comfortable with saying, you'll probably catch heat for it, but if you're prepared to deal with the consequences, then do what you gotta do. My only suggestion is to make your message clever. Don't just write something on a poster telling people what they need to do. You gotta make it clever enough so that they pay attention but don't feel scolded or they'll just tear it down and let you wipe the blood off your face with it after they kick your ass. Make them laugh and they might listen. At least it'll get more attention that way garunteed
  5. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    Yea I've thought of some catchy stuff already. I am working on a poster right now of Manson shaking Tupac's hand. Kinda brings the goth scene to the hip hop scene
  6. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    If you could pull it off, it would actually be pretty sweet dude. Master photoshoper?
  7. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    Lol not to toot my own horn but yea I fall in the master/guru photoshopper category :p
  8. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    If I ever needed a hand with some photshop work could you help me out at your convenience? I don't have any projects in mind at the moment, but in the future I might be thankful for the help. If you're game could you send me a PM with the title Photskills or some shit?
    That way I know who to holler at.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2008
  9. RUP'E

    RUP'E Senior Member

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    goths dont bother me but maralyn manson does.
    i wheatpasted at school oce coz i was bored.
    i put zelda up on a roof.
    so sintakz you write and your a goth, mad. are you like a proper goth or just a guy with pastey skin black hair and skull ring?
    no beef intended.
  10. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    I guess I could be called a "proper" goth. Um, no pastey skin here, I'm Puerto Rican so I kinda got that forever tan thing going on. My hair is almost black, really really really really really dark brown though. I've never own a skull ring in my life though haha. I'm a blend of things though, I can't really fall into one scene really. Zelda on the roof sounds pretty badass though
  11. RUP'E

    RUP'E Senior Member

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    you dont sound that goth man haha.
    where i come from goths savagely beat people.
    and they have crazy getups seriously they spend like 3 days preparing to go on a stroll through the city.
    i mean like masks, fishnet clothing, weird fake dicks weird pupils the whole deal.
    its cool if your goth but if you where emo it would probably be more of a challenge to accept you as a writer lol.
    anyway yeh, never do stuff at school all though i think your paste up would be an exception.
    where are u gonna do it.?
  12. jaskesteven

    jaskesteven Senior Member

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    I want to paste on a train.
    A fish ya know so it looks like it's moving and all. I have it drawn out now i gotta not be lazy
  13. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Paint on a train. Posters are for fast spots. Difficult to hit and wont last forever. Pasting on a train misses the point and cats will laugh.
  14. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    Well the goths where you are from are probably "Hardcore" kids who think its cool to beat people up. Or they are uber fucking posers. I've worn masks before, same with fishnets, and I've been known to wear some kickass contacts before but people you are talking about remind me of straight up posers that dress like this


    To be quite honest most goths are too fucking smart to be bothered with beating people up for no reason. Hell I like to fight as much as the next guy (maybe a little bit more) but I don't go around randomly beating people up.

    Here are some "real" "non poser" goths

    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    ^^^ The shirt is pretty funny

    To make this wheatpaste related, anyone ever put up some posters from
  15. RUP'E

    RUP'E Senior Member

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    gayest idea ever.
    hey cezer, it would nice if some one could lighten these pages with pictures.
    could you post some of your work? even if its heaps old.
    id like to see mor eof your stuff, wat about that pony u where talking about a while back?
  16. RUP'E

    RUP'E Senior Member

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    same time post man.
    those ppl are all dirty please delete comment.
    anyway idc what your liike as long as you get up and your nice then u should be a fine person.
    whats crime thinc? ive put up obey before.
    hey cezer read above cmment
  17. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    all of these were taken from google just to give the thread some pics. Sorry if they have already been posted.

    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:

    Crimethinc is like this Direct Action/Anarchist type company. They have a book (my friend is borrowing my copy now lol) that includes stuff such as shoplifting, graffiti, postering, sidewalk mosaics, a bunch of shit. They also have a bunch of politically based posters like stuff on Gender Bending, they have stickers that say stuff like "This Phone Is Tapped" and they talk a bit about the patriot act, a bunch of stuff. I suggest checking them out if only for the stickers
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2008
  18. RUP'E

    RUP'E Senior Member

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    soundz mad,
    sounds like atp the anarchist tea party we have in australia.
    more pics ay ill put some up laterz
  19. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Nice flicks dude. I love Koralie and Supakitch (her boyfriend) shit. They're my kind of peoples. Koralie had a nice spread in the last Juxtapoz. As for me, I've been focusing solely on painting and blackbooking lately so I don't have any new pics. I'll always love postering. It's a dope way to get lots of attention, but right now I'm trying to avoid some of the attention. My crew is an LLC invested partner in an independent arts center opening in May and I'm trying to do some fundraising work for it w/out getting heated including a graff jam. Magnet Mafia is coming down for that! Anyway, I'm off subject, but I'm looking forward to wheatpasting when I can afford to get back into it. Peace
  20. lio-d

    lio-d Member

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    :D gj man i tryied it and it works! continue working like that