Another good way to get free newsprint is to go to gas stations that sell newspapers around midnight, When they are switching out the daily papers. Most gas stations just throw away old newspapers that they have left over. Just ask the clerk if they will save the old papers for you. Just spray over the print and put your own work!
Very true.. However, seeing as its the only wheatpaste thread.. Ill post it in there now.. Just abit interesting for this thread. My alopogies
ive attempted wheate pasting, i like the concept, and ive had a few successes, but i just cant get the paste right, its always hit and miss, no matter what. im prolly gonna buy some adhesive spray and see how that works.
wow after seeing and reading this thread im emidiatly atracted to wheat pasting and my mums incouraging it rather than painting yay im gonna draw up some pics now
I think making it is abit of a bugger.. you gotta trial and error.. as CEZR said theres no exact recipe.. Try Wallpaper powder/paste.. you just mix it with water stick it in a water/fairy liquid bottle and go bombing. You can buy it in your local DIY store or cheap store, just take the sachet out of the box and stick it down your top/pants. Its cheap as fuck anyway so no point racking tbh pz
anybody know a decent spray glue that will hold for a month or two? i am experimenting with a few so far elmers stuffs working the best but i gotta test it out doors just to be sure
idk but i dont think spray glue would work to well cause its probally water based and maby to thin idk
the stuff i got says water resistant idk i ll report my findings once ive tested everything outside right now i ve just put a few up in my room on boxes and stuff
hmmm if its water resistant it would be good...but expencive unless ur good at racking idk though it just doesent seem like it would work on a concrete wall for some reason i swear it would be to thin or something but when u try it out tell how it for sure
dude i wana get into pasting but it seems like a Sh!t load of stuff to cary. plus I am 15 And I am on probation for writing. i dont wana go to juvie.
Alot to carry?! This is what I take Backpack Inside: Plastic bag with paste and brush in. In the front compartment i have my posters. If I wanna hit a spot, just take out the carrier bag and wolla I also take someone with me, as a lookout and to put the poster in place. (Hes a writer aswell) and if anyone looks at you just stick your shit in your backpack simple as
3M #33 Spray Adhesive If it would hold carpeting to sub boxes in every car I've ever worked on it'll hold your damn flyer up. =P
i know stores cant your you paint unless your 18 but what about spray adhesive and how do you guys make your flyers
1. Work on your character/poster until your happy 2. Make a nice copy (using a black marker or scan it into the PC if you can do that shit) 3. (iF YOU EDITED IT ON THE PC) Print it out. DO NOT Print multiple copies to paste around 4. Take your shit to your local stationary store and make copies 5. Optional: Cut them out. 6. Paste them up. - If you were thinking of printing copies from your home pc, yes it will work, and yes the image will fade x10 faster. Ive had posters up for a few weeks with cheap markers/home printed shit.. Its very faded already.. will be gone within a week or two Hidee Hoe
where can i find that and how big is the can? right now i am using like mini 4 oz cans of the elmers stuff with rusto fat caps on it i am going to check tomorrow i put a poster up at skool in a bathroom i came back like 2 hours later and the corner was fallin down so i sprayed the part and then misted a coat of everything right as school got out and on the note for markers i hand draw all mine with a sharpie and then go over in deco works fine doesnt fade at all ive had poster up for almost three months now looks exactly the same as the day i put it up its in direct sunlight for most of the day too
3M spray adhesive comes in a big brown can, the size of a rusto industrial enamel. They sell it at home depot, lowes, etc
dude pasting sounds like so much fun. how do you guys not get caught. also do you go out and look for a spot to paste, because myself i would just walkaround with it in my bad and if i see something i will go hit it.