Rain won't even fuck with the poster. It'll stay up forever if it's on good in the first place. Any ink will do fine. I don't reccomend Prismas tho. They fade quickest. Black fades less than other colors. Drawing techniques?.... I'll let you work that one out. To make it big use a projector. Colored pictures into a black and white poster? Try running the picture through a copier and adjust the contrast to pull the shading out.
haha yea thanks cezr i was with koolaid when we made that wheat paste we made 3 different recipes we put the one with the flick in squeezy ketchup bottles its pretty hard to get out but ione of the recipees we made did work out like soup...peace
alright thanks. it seems like im gonna need alllloooot. of practice. wont the ink from the copier fade really quick though?
Practice - Me and my homeboi often just mix up some paste and get out best time putting a3 sheets of newspaper up on some cardboard/wood. Ive only been into pasting a couple of months now, but I can kinda stick an a3 sheet up in about 15-20 seconds. wont the ink from the copier fade really quick though? Not if its copier paper and its done at a stationary shop/printing store, they last longer than running copies from your printer. I think its better quality ink.. someone correct me if I'm wrong. Peace
looks nice to me. keep it up. the head shape on the second one looks kina odd. but if thats how you like it then its fine.
yo can u use any around the house materiALS i cant be fucked to make or buy weetpaste shit.maybe like pva glue or golden syrup or somfin i do my weatpasteing in the middle of the day.most people dont understand what im doing so they dont care, some ppl are like stop it! so i stop an do it later. some ppl are like oh wow thats cool did u do the other one 2?
Yo kool aid Yeah there cool.. They need working on though There kinda.. boring? They don't really catch your attention Still pretty sick though.. you get me? word.
Wheat Pastin Is Soo Sik Here In Denver We Dnt Have Much But Me N My Krew Are Tryin To Get It Out There We Made Our Own Wheatpast Wit The Flour Recipe But We Racked A Bucket Of It From This Hardware Store So Yea But I Should Have Sum Fliks Of It On Here Soon
hahaha.... Seconded.... How do you ask how to make wheatpaste out of household materials because you won't buy it,and then talk about how you've wheatpasted in the same post? Also, how do you rack wheatpaste from a fuckin hardware store? You'd be more likely to rack it from a bakery then a hardware store, because it's made of FLOUR and WATER. The synthetic substitute you could find at a hardware store is powder substance in a small box. Keep it real kids. Don't act like ya know if ya don't. Kool aid man- The karaks are pretty fresh, particularly the first one. One thing to keep in mind with posters is, how far of a distance you want it seen from. If you're doing a medium size poster for, say... an electrical box at an intersection, you want to make the linework thick. Thin lines make the poster hazy from a distance. That's something you learn from experience. Good work!