I didn't write those lines no, the first one is talib kweli i think, and the second one is tupac, thanks a lot i used newspaper and acrylic, and the same recipe for what they told me, except i put glue in as well, do you have any flicks?
i just finished this one, used a newspaper as well, i want to start doing prints but i'm terrible at illustrator and vector design and such, if anyone has ideas on how i can directly paint and make wheatpaste copies thatd be great
And one more thing, wherecan I go to enlarge my wheatpaste? Staples? How much does it cost for copys of them??
ive been using 3m spray mount, just because its fast and we have 5 cans in my basement for some reason. But is wheat paste a lot better, will it work on painted surfaces well, and will it clog a spray bottle if it dries in the nossile. And this looks like a poster but i cant tell if its the background or not.
damn, everybodys stuff looks soooooo nice!, i should have one here in the next week, and alot more as soon as schools out!
haha thanks the matrix ones mine i wanted to highlight the choice between conformisim and non conformity think it worked
^ felling those paste as well, but that blank wall right beside your paste would be filled pretty fast kif that was me