I have a great post on wheat paste techniques. If you guys want to check it out and give feedback, I would greatly appreciate it. http://vimural.blogspot.com/2013/01/Wheat-Paste-Proper-Wheatpasting-Techniques-How-To
yeah so dont leave wheat paste in a sealed glass jar for too long without releasing the pressure. the organic contents start to break down and release nitrogen, i came home one day and the jar i had stored my paste in exploded. just a lil peice of advice
seroiusly guy? just draw it big in the first place. make a rough sketch in your book and then get the full sized peice of paper and draw it. take a few steps back overy so often and check that your proportions are the same.
It that is legit then props. can't say i'm a fan of taking icons an making posters with them but if it gets you paint then i guess what ever works
Portland, Oregon - Burnside Bridge Easter 2013 N.O. Bonzo Mute Both were buffed the very next day. Shots by: wintermute__ on Instagram
here is my first poster design. im going to put them up soon. ill post some pics of them when there up. [Broken External Image]:http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/4613/10qi.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us
http://http://shop.molotow.com/Cans/Molotow-Tech/MOLOTOW-Streetwise-Sprayglue2-600ml.html Can u use this stuff as glue to wheatpaste paper? Just wondering sorry if link didnt come but its spray glue
What do u guys think of using outdoor Mod Podge for paste ups? I've had some lying around and think it'd go to good use, not sure how much it'll last, robably good for small pieces
Yo Ron English uses shit like this when he does Billboards, would it be good for regular posters? What do you guys use? Just regular wheatpaste? -Truant.THD
First one of a series I'm working on, the concept is to take iconic characters and imagery from the flicks I'm into and make them scream my name in a comix-esque way. Got about 250 of this one around in town as stickers and posters..