I started lookin' at graff roughly 2 years ago... I started skechtin like a year ago. and is stared taggin like 2 mounths ago ACID
yea ive always been facinated w/ graffiti and art but not untill last may or june did i finnaly find the right art i was good at
I've always liked graffiti, i used to mess around in school, doing crap stuff, recently is when I started really taking is seriously, like i'm sketching and stuff everyday. It's true, the more you sketch the better you get.
and your tagg will get better if you go out and put it up insted of just on paper cuz i look at stuff i done when i first started and i'm like wow thats shiiiiiiity so i'm gunna go over a lot of my old shit
i have been out tagging, my tag has developed the more i actually go out and do it..i should be getting some paint in soon so i will do some throw ups soon.
i have been interested in it for like a year and a half but i didnt really start writing till abouot 6 months ago so that 6 months down and many more to go
been tagging on and off since i was 15, but only got into the lettering and stuff seriously recently. interested in the more abstract, arty side too, and want my shiz to have a strong link to music.