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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aero, May 3, 2005.

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why you guys graff?

  1. for the fame

  2. cause you love art

  3. for your friends

    0 vote(s)
  4. to express yourself

  5. to destroy

  6. for the adrenaline boost you get when you go on a big spot

  7. none of the above

  1. ape2

    ape2 Senior Member

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    it seems like most people on here only paint because its "something to do" which totally defeats the purpose of the whole culture and expression and love of art which is kind of sad that its turning into more of a fad rather than an art form.
  2. jd07

    jd07 Senior Member

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    i started cuz i loved art and i was like, "i want people to see my art." at the time i didnt understand how serious the cops were about it. then i had a few close calls and i was like, "this adrenailline rush is fuckin sweet".
  3. Cj2K.dazed

    Cj2K.dazed Member

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    I met a guy from mineapolis at a camp who bombed, i can't even remeber if he was any good but he was the person to get me into graf. I found the art in graffiti and i loved it, i had been a photographer before.
  4. Dr. Coffee

    Dr. Coffee Elite Member

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    Slap in the face of the establishment
    as well as a few other things
  5. slick dick willy

    slick dick willy Senior Member

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    to destroy, once you reached fame whats next?......
    a very special sub-culture to be part of and beating the system.
  6. ape2

    ape2 Senior Member

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    are you sure youve reached fame yet? or is that just something your wondering?

    and i dont think you need to reach fame to be a part of the sub culture of graffitti and hip hop.. i mean once your in the game for real and got throw ups straight letter bombs pieces shit man thats the subculture.. its all about rebelling and letting people know "oh shit that person who ever he is was here"......a way to express yourself.....stay up
  7. Johnny Law

    Johnny Law Member

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    so pretty much just for a fad? [/b][/quote]
    I think he ment so he could look at it later and be like "I did that"
  8. the_evil_one

    the_evil_one Member

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    im not in it for fame im in it to express my feelings and to get my anger out from all these fuckin problems i got from getting abandon from my family to were people dont understand me or listen so instead of doing drugs i picked up a can and started going crazy with it so its been there most of my life wen i need it. peace
  9. $NAKE$

    $NAKE$ Elite Member

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    i started to destory, now its basicly a job.
  10. Krylon bomber

    Krylon bomber Elite Member

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    i do it to express my self.
  11. VaN

    VaN Senior Member

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    I paint and bomb for a number of reasons. i dont do this for the fame.if that was it then i wouldnt hide my identity by wearin a mask in big spots. i love the rush of destroyin shit.. dont care if its fill ins or outlines of bombs or if i'm jus dropin tags from home to downtown.theres a lot more to it than a few categories.
  12. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    hi van,
    im a van as well
  13. ape2

    ape2 Senior Member

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    you wear a mask? ive never tried that. but i think you got a good atitude about graffitti van!
  14. Klone

    Klone Senior Member

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    I do it cause I like the adrenaline rush of gettin out there and showin off your work..but other than that, it gave me somethin to do
  15. LaXMAsA

    LaXMAsA Senior Member

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    FOR PUSSY, i graff for ass
  16. PANIK

    PANIK Member

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    Well first off I graff for lots of reason one to express my self and bcuz of fame and the way it is
  17. ape2

    ape2 Senior Member

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    shit whats up with all this fame bull shit. graffitti isnt about being famous its about being rebelious. if you want to be a famous artist get into a gallery or something like that. i mean yeah sure its cool to have your homies know damn that shit was fresh or dope what ever your want. but i mean shouldnt people write for the love of self expression and hip hop culture. alot of you kids coming up now trying to jump in the game dont really ever think about old school. i mean now a days ill admit i dont rack paint im older i got a girlfriend a decent job im in college i cant be doing that shit. but yeah when i was 14 - 17 i lived in hawaii id go into ace hardware or wall mart or ben franklin and id rack all my paint i didnt buy shit. and how many of you can actually say you rack your paint? not very many and most of you are lying when you say you do. so tell me shut the fuck up when you see this. cause you know im right. but really read this and reflect.

    peace to everyone back in honolulu killing shit. and everyone else doing there part to save the art and love for graffitti/hip hop..stay up

    KARE 2 ELABERATE Elite Member

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    seems like alot of you graff for the wrong reasons....ape knows whats up*
  19. ape2

    ape2 Senior Member

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  20. sace66

    sace66 Member

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    Sace approached the wall and stood there for a few moments with a can held in his sweaty hands. He began to swiftly guide each line to shape every letter in a unique style that could only be created by a experienced writer. His finished product was composed of a red outline and filled by shades of yellow and orange. "Practice makes perfect bro", said sace. Drake nodded and took a few seconds to take in the vibes that the piece spewed out. This was inspiration. This was the reason he had gotten up this morning. This was the motivation to become a better writer. This was his cure for that itch he had gotten since the moment he laid eyes on the first well put together piece of graffiti. An addiction that was stronger than any drug habit, an addiction he never thought possible.