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Your Favorite Quote U Put Next To Ur Tag

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CiA OwNZ, Jun 13, 2005.

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  1. Guilt

    Guilt Member

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    i like to put "let it flow nigga" cause i like using flowpens :blink:
  2. empty can

    empty can Senior Member

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    Anyone who like hentai is a douche-fuck anyone who likes hentai must me a poser
    (this is not beef, I'm just puttin my opinion....douche)
  3. MadBomber

    MadBomber Senior Member

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    "FUCK MYSPACE" my quote

    NEVOS ONE Senior Member

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  5. InvisblSkratchPiklz

    InvisblSkratchPiklz Elite Member

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    you sir are a fuckin moron!

    half of you probably dont even write shit
    you probably do a half ass flop and cant even finish the fill in

    so quit the ego boosting quotes and keep it to the pointo!

    when i use to write (i dont do illegal anymore)
    i wrote

    OH SO WHOA next to it
    FUCK cassidy
  6. shyone

    shyone Elite Member

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    Yo Momma’s so fat her bellybutton doesn't have has sweaters! Yo Momma’s breath so bad, she had to take a PRESCRIPTION tic-tac! Yo Momma's so fat, when she goes to a restaurant, she doesn't get a menu, she gets an estimate! Yo Momma's so fat, she made weight watchers go blind. Yo Momma’s so stupid she tried wake up a sleeping bag! Yo Mamma's so dumb she tripped over a cordless phone! Yo Momma’s so dumb she thought Taco Bell was a phone company in Mexico. Yo Momma's so old, I told her to act her age and she died! Yo Momma’s so hairy, Bigfoot takes pictures of her! Yo Momma's so dumb; she got stabbed in a shootout! Yo Momma's so stupid she got hit by a parked car. Yo Momma's so stupid it took her 2 hours to watch 60 minutes. Yo Momma's so stupid that she thought Boyz II Men was a day care center. Yo Momma’s teeth are so yellow that she spits butter. Yo Momma's so fat she broke a branch off of the family tree. Yo mamma's so fat my dog bit her and died of high cholesterol. Yo mamma's so fat that she has to wear two watches because she takes up two time zones. Yo Momma's so ugly...she makes blind kids cry! Yo Momma's so Fat, She put on “Guess� jeans and squeezed an answer out. Yo mamma's so stupid she spent 20 minutes looking at an orange juice box because it said "concentrate" Yo Momma's so fat when she dances the BAND skips. Yo Momma's so stupid she put on her glasses to watch 20/20. Yo Momma's so ugly even Rice Krispies won't talk to her! Yo Momma's so fat that when she fell no one was laughing...but the ground was cracking up! Yo Momma's so fat, when she tries to get outta bed, she rocks herself back to sleep Yo Momma's so ugly that when she was born your grandma said “what a treasure� and your grandpa said “yeah! Let’s bury her!� Yo Momma's so fat, every time she turns's her birthday. Yo Momma's so ugly, for Christmas they hang her and kiss the mistletoe. Yo Momma's so ugly, she gave FREDDY KRUGER nightmares! Yo Momma's so fat when she ordered a water bed they put a blanket over the ocean! Yo Momma's so dumb, she studied for a drug test! Yo Momma's so ugly, when she was born they put her in an incubator with tinted windows! Yo Momma's so ugly, even Ripley couldn’t believe it!! Yo Momma's so stupid she stuck a phone up her butt thinking she’d get a booty call! Yo Momma's so stupid she invented a wheelchair with pedals. Yo Momma's so poor burglars break in her house and leave money. Yo Momma’s so fat, she was refused by Jenny Craig because they “don’t DO miracles� Yo Momma's so fat she eats Wheat Thicks. Yo Momma's so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized. Yo Momma's so fat she has to iron her pants on the driveway. Yo Momma's so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller. Yo Momma's so fat when she gets on the scale it says “to be continued�. Yo Momma's ass is so big, she got arrested at the airport for having 20 lbs. of crack! Yo Momma's so old she's blind from the big bang! Yo Momma's so stupid her brain cells die ALONE! Yo Momma's so fat, when the police showed her a picture of her feet, she couldn't identify them. Yo Momma's so fat, she broke her leg and gravy dripped out. Yo Momma's so fat, she makes Big Bird look like a rubber duck
  7. AK47_KNOC

    AK47_KNOC Senior Member

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    "We doin it right, if we aint doin it right it's wrong"
  8. AK47_KNOC

    AK47_KNOC Senior Member

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    ^^^ g head aka poppin shit - harlem blocks - go hard boyz
  9. AK47_KNOC

    AK47_KNOC Senior Member

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  10. AK47_KNOC

    AK47_KNOC Senior Member

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  11. **MATEO**

    **MATEO** Elite Member

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    cant catch me KPD ( k**** police department )
  12. disposable_hero

    disposable_hero Elite Member

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    ''my inner peice''
    or ''right where u stand''
  13. ow1

    ow1 Senior Member

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    mayb 1 day itll all just fade away
  14. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    boss: it says here under hobbies..."debit"
    ladies man; dat wude be de butt, I like tennis too
  15. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    oh shit Inever noticed the "that you put next to your tag" part of this thread hahahaha....I don't put a quote next to my tag....
  16. []v[]aks

    []v[]aks New Member

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    my fav is **Those who see*see nothing*
  17. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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  18. Atom

    Atom Senior Member

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  19. xVxSinxVx

    xVxSinxVx Senior Member

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  20. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    who puts quotes next to their tags? maybe a piece but not a tag