Hi all, If you only had one cap for A) Piecing B) Hanstyles C)Throwies What would it be and why? I find its easy to get carried away with caps and it can distract from the workflow, when pieceing especially, so I thought it would be interesting to hear. If you guys like, post, if not Shut er down. Here are Mine: A) German outline 2...have to be patient on fills but can do thin lines easily enough without over spraying. B) & C) High pressure + NY FAT my fav
I dont think you can use just one cap for everything. You can have a favorite handstyle cap, but if you're doing throwies or pieces then you're going to have more than one cap anyway, so why limit yourself and your work?
I hear you brother. But to be fair I broke it down into 3 sections for a single cap a) Piecing b) Handies c) Throwies. In terms of limiting yourself, I am an advocate of simplicity. maybe its just me, but when I have handful of different caps at the wall it can interrupt work flow, where as if I just rig up with one I like I can concentrate on what I am doing instead of keeping track of caps. You do make a good point though it can be nice to have something for everything as well.
I suppose we can keep it broken down into 3 sections A) B) and C) ...It would also be cool if you name off a can cap combo for your everycap.
Depending on the can and what they put on it can be a good deal for sure, ex the hardware store brands of course.
i live for the stock cap from a can of export which is like any hardware store can in America with that chisel tip makes chroming shit a breeze
Interesting, never tries on anything other than the laks...but tbh the ironlak NY fat on thier cans is SHYTE. Might have some use for them on other cans, thanks for letting me know might be dope on something higher pressure.
i like the ironlak outline and ny fats to, and the montana skinny pro seems like it give a shityer line than a ironlak outline even on the montana gold at least also clogs easy
A and B and C >>> NY Fat for it all, that is one universal cap yo thin enough to outline, wide enough to fill, dope flairs on good cans, works good with female adapters, small, cheap, paint comes out at a good speed, the list goes one, that is one fine cap!
NY Fats for everything, can make fat to fairly thin line with can control, oh the sweet and er ones fav the NY FAT TIP